Homemade Oreos with Candy Cane Cream Filling: 100 Days of Homemade Holiday Inspiration

We are nearing the halfway mark of our 100 Days of Homemade Holiday Inspiration.  For day 46 we are going to share some more baking inspiration.  These homemade Oreo cookies look absolutely delicious!  During the holidays you can usually find the packaged Oreo cookies with candy cane filling, but the homemade cookies are really so much better. 

Homemade Oreos with Candy Cane Cream: 100 Days of Homemade Holiday Inspiration on HoosierHomemade.com

Do you want to make some of these lovely treats?  Find out how in the link below:

Homemade Oreos with Candy Cane Cream Filling

from BlessThisMessPlease.com

100 days of Homemade Holiday Inspiration

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