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Fruit Smoothies

Smoothies are one of those treats that my boys devour. And even better, I can feel really good about it, knowing that they are filled with lots of fruit and good nutrients for them. Head on over to Pom Wonderful to learn all the details about pomegranates and their juice and how good it is for you. They even have some really yummy recipes! 🙂

I recently received some bottles of Pomegranate Juice from Pom Wonderful. When I told my husband that I had been contacted by them and would be receiving it, he kind of wrinkled his nose, and said…”Eww, pomegranate juice?” We had never really had pomegranate juice before, so I guess he just thought it sounded bad. Well, let me tell you, those little bottles of juice went so fast in our house, that I had to hide a couple just to be able to cook with it and share the recipe with you! 🙂

I served them with Breakfast Tacos and sausage links. I often serve these as Breakfast for Dinner, making it a frugal, under $5 dinner. The nice thing about smoothies is, you can add any fruit that you have on hand and make a special treat.

Fruit Smoothies

Fruit Smoothies

A versatile recipe for Fruit Smoothies from HoosierHomemade.com.


  • Frozen Cherries (a couple big handfuls)
  • Frozen Blueberries (a couple big handfuls, we picked and froze last season)
  • 2 Bananas, fresh, cut up
  • 1 container of yogurt (single serving size, I used Aldi’s Cherry Jubilee)
  • 1 bottle of Pom Wonderful Juice (you can also add apple or orange)
  • Zest of 1 Orange


  1. Place ingredients in blender and mix until well blended

My helper for zesting the orange, Casey…(yep, we zest the old fashioned way, guess I need one of those cool zesters)

Aren’t these just the cutest bottles ever?

Full Disclosure: The package I received was provided to me by Pom Wonderful. The views of this product were my own.


  1. Elisabeth says:

    I made a smoothie the other day that is very kid friendly. The ingredients are:

    3 cups milk
    2 cups spinach
    1/3 cup cocoa powder
    1/3 cup honey
    1 teaspoon vanilla
    pinch salt
    15-20 pieces of ice

    Blend and serve.

    You can see no hint of green. The kids (and your husband, in my case) won’t even know it’s in there.

    It reminds you of a chocolate shake.

  2. Beautiful job, Liz! I’d like one, please. 🙂 Yes, as Amy said I’m a big fan of POM. It is indeed Wonderful, and by the way, that’s the actual name of the type of pomegranate, not just the company itself. I learned that when I went on the POM Wonderful Blogger Harvest Festival last year–an amazing event … I was so lucky to be selected to attend! BTW, I like the old-fashioned way of zesting, too. 😉

    .-= gfe–gluten free easily´s last blog ..Mom’s Deviled Eggs =-.

  3. Thanks for sharing your smoothie recipe at Slightly Indulgent Tuesday! My friend, Shirley, loves POM and cooks with it all of the time. I need to give it a whirl – I bet it would add great flavor to a green smoothie.

  4. OMGosh!! I LOVE the Pom Juice! My husband thinks it would taste ‘yuck’ so i just let him think that so i can keep it all to myself!

    Thank you for posting the smoothie recipe…i’m going to give that a try. I bet my daughter will love it!

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