Friendsgiving Pinterest Contest

Every year Thanksgiving comes and goes, and we say our thanks while having great food. This is usually a family affair, where we reunite with family members that we may have not seen in a while. But what about our second family, also known as our friends?

Turns out there’s a holiday for them as well, dubbed Friendsgiving. Occurring some time within the weeks before and after Thanksgiving, friends gather to have food and share their thanks for each other as families do on Thanksgiving.

This year Apartment Guide is holding their first ever Friendsgiving sweepstakes on Pinterest, and we want to see your best decorating ideas for your party.

Entering is easy, just create a board on Pinterest, and put at least 10 pins, 2 of which from the Apartment Guide blog, of what you plan on or have decorated for your Friendsgiving party.

Once that is done, just follow Apartment Guide on Pinterest, and then send them an email. For more information regarding rules, visit their rules page here.

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