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Thanksgiving Countdown: Day 12: Food Prep

Well we are getting close, only 1 more day of our Thanksgiving Countdown. Today we are chatting about Food Prep, any thing you can do ahead of time to free up your time on cooking day is helpful.

Here are a few things I do to help make cooking day less hectic…

  1. Do all the chopping –  Onions, celery, veggies, etc. can all be chopped, and measured. Place in resealable bags and stored in the fridge.
  2. Measuring – Flour, sugar, dry ingredients, etc. can be measured and place in resealable bags. Then place them in the dish you will be cooking in.
  3. Be sure to mark the bags with the ingredients and how much, especially if you have multiple bags of one ingredient.
  4. Gather ingredients, place them all in the dish that they will be cooked in, store in fridge or on the counter. This also helps to be sure you have all the ingredients so you aren’t running to the store on Thanksgiving morning.
  5. Prepping food ahead will also combat clean up. Clean and wash dishes as you go, or designate that chore to a family member, it will help a lot.

Stay tuned, we wrap up the Thanksgiving Countdown tomorrow!

Miss a day? No worries…I created a page with each day for you…

Thanksgiving Countdown

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