Freezing Zucchini

Well, if you have followed my posts lately, I’m sure you know how much zucchini we have. And, of course, we had a pretty nice cool summer, and when the zucchini hit the garden, so did our 90 degree temps, which isn’t too good for baking.

I didn’t want to waste the zucchini, so I froze it to use in breads, muffins, cupcakes and cakes, later.

There are many different ways to freeze zucchini, this is how I do mine.

I peel and chop it. Add it to the food processor and grate it.

Freezing Zucchini

I measure 2 cups and put it in freezer bags.

Freezing Zucchini.5

Then I flatten the bags out to allow them to freeze better

Freezing Zucchini.3

If you have tons of zucchini, you may be interested in my round-up of recipes.

Here are my quick and easy freezing tips for blueberries and strawberries.

Edit: I did mean to talk about the excess water.The Happy Housewife commented on it, thanks for refreshing my memory.  The zucchini will have quite a bit of liquid after freezing. I personally leave it in when I bake with it, I think it adds moisture to the mix, many cooks drain the liquid and then use paper towels to squeeze out the excess.

And yes, they are very easy to grow and the harvest is huge from one plant.

For more great tips, please visit:

~Works For Me Wednesday hosted by We Are THAT Family


  1. thanks I really needed help. this site was so easy to use

  2. I did this when I had my first garden quite a few years ago & had an overabundance of zucchini. I also used the frozen zucchini in soups & stews & homemade spaghetti sauce – it doesn’t alter the flavor much, but it adds extra nutrition, so why not?

  3. This looks very similar to my all-time top post about freezing onions! I flash freeze them first so they don’t chunk up or lose too much moisture.

    I have photos in the post if you want to see. It’s always listed in my Top 10 list – usually at the number one spot. It’s called “five minute onions in a flash (freeze)”

  4. Great tip! I am curious… do you get a lot of excess water when you freeze the zucchini? It is funny how many zucchini posts going around these days! I guess they are very easy to grow!

  5. Ooh. I’m going to have to remember this. We usually have tons of zucchini. It would be great to freeze some to use throughout the year. Thanks for the tip.

  6. I wish our zucchini plants had survived so I could preserve it. This is a great tip. My WFMW tip is similar — freezing tomatoes and peppers. Very cool!

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