DIY Cinnamon Garland: 100 Days of Homemade Holiday Inspiration

As we grow closer and closer to the holidays, my to-do list is getting longer and longer. And our 100 Days of Homemade Holiday Inspiration is providing lots of ideas! It’s Day 58 already, I can hardly believe how fast it’s going!

Last year, my friend Heather from Whipperberry shared this DIY Cinnamon Garland. I absolutely love it! I can almost smell how wonderful the house will smell while they are baking. 

DIY Cinnamon Garland: 100 Days of Homemade Holiday Inspiration on

This Cinnamon Garland would be gorgeous hanging in the kitchen window, or make ornaments to hang on the tree. Or how cute would they be on a package? Find out how to make your own Cinnamon Garland:

DIY Cinnamon Garland


Thank you Whipperberry

100 days of Homemade Holiday Inspiration

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