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DIY Christmas Cinnamon Garland

Hello Hoosier Homemade friends, this Heather from WhipperBerry and I’m thrilled to be here guest posting today!  I adore Liz and soooo admire all of her talents!

A few years ago my husband and I had the opportunity to take our girls {the little guy wasn’t around then} to Germany and France for the month of December. We couldn’t have planned the timing any better.  Christmas in Europe is something everyone should experience. Wishing that everyone could have the experience without the hefty fees involved, I thought I would create something that will help bring some of the German Christmas spirit into your home.

In the German Christmas markets they sell the most amazing gingerbread cookie creations and I’ve always found the designs so inspiring. I thought it would be fun to create a gingerbread cookie inspired garland to dress the home up for Christmas…

Christmas Cinnamon Garland by Whipperberry

The fun thing about this garland is that it’s made out of the classic cinnamon and apple sauce mixture that just makes your home smell like heaven. Here is what you will need to make this garland for your home…

recipe for cinnamon apple sauce ornaments

Supplies for the Cinnamon Garland

  • 4 oz. cinnamon
  • 3/4 cup apple sauce
  • drinking straw
  • Wilton snowflake cookie pan
  • chalk pencil (found in the art supply section)
  • baker’s twine
  • yarn


In a bowl, mix the cinnamon and apple sauce into a dough like consistency. If it’s too thin add more cinnamon or vice versa.

how to make cinnamon apple sauce ornaments

Knead the dough together into a ball then pinch off small gumball size pieces and press them into the snowflake cookie pan.

wilton snowflake cookie pan  use a press cookie pan to make cinnamon apple sauce ornaments

Using a drinking straw, place holes into the cinnamon ornaments.  One at the top if you want to use them to decorate the tree or gift box. Two holes if you would like to string them on a garland.

use a straw to place holes in your cinnamon apple sauce ornaments

Place in a 350 degree oven for 2 hours or until completely dry.  Keep and eye on them so they don’t burn.

cinnamon apple sauce christmas ornaments with a press cookie pan

Once they are completely dry, take the white chalk pencil and color in the raised snowflake designs.  This idea was a happy accident when I was trying to figure out the best way to have the cookies look like they have been dusted with powdered sugar. The chalk works PERFECT!!

Chalk on your cinnamon apple sauce ornaments to look like icing\

Next, all you need to do is string it onto the baker’s twine and yarn to make the garland.  I used a red and white baker’s twine along with a solid red yarn for my garland, but you can use whatever you like.

Whipperberry's Sented Cinnamon Garland

Now you can use it to dress up your home for the holidays and not only will it look fantastic, it will make your home smell amazing!

Here are some more fun holiday ideas from WhipperBerry

DIYVanilla092 Hot_Chocolate_on_a_Stick_142[4]--_thumb[2] WB-0273

diy vanilla extract // hot chocolate on a stick // anthro inspired snow globes

Isn’t Heather just amazing? I absolutely LOVE her blog! Be sure to pay her a visit, connect with Heather on Facebook, Pinterest or Twitter.

A HUGE thank you!! You ROCK, Heather!


  1. I have a similar recipe, but Elmer’s glue is one of the supplies. Do you think i could use my recipe or should I steer clear? I don’t want the ornaments to not come out of the cookie pan. Also has anyone altered the baking temperature to 200 for 2-3 hours?

    Thank you!

    1. Hi Renee, these cinnamon ornaments were made by another blogger, so I’m sorry I don’t have an answer for you because I have never made them myself. I will ask her and get back to you.

  2. I also tried this recipe. @ 350* they were burning within 1 hour. I also used a BRAND new walton pan. THey were stuck pretty bad, I used a butter knife to chisel them out, and soaked the pan overnight.
    I too found another recipe for 200*. I’m going to give it another try.

  3. linda payne says:

    I had a brand new pan that had never been used and after 45 minutes in the oven @ 350 the pan is ruined, they are never coming out. I have read other recipes when this failed and they either air dry for a few days or the bake at 200 for a couple hours:(

    1. Hi Linda, I’m so sorry you had trouble. This recipe is not mine and I have not tried it, but I will ask Heather and see if she has some tips.

  4. HELP! Currently, mine are STUCK in the pan! I was going to use cooking spray, but the directions didn’t mention it 🙁

    1. Hi Amy, I will message Heather at WhipperBerry and ask what she would do. This is her guest post.

    2. Oh no Amy! I didn’t have that problem at all, they just popped right out of the pan. My pan was new and maybe that was the key. If your pan is older, I would use Pam. Sorry, I know it’s too late for your batch right now though. Good luck!

      1. Thanks for the quick response! I left another post on Whipperberry too. Same Wilton pan, brand new. Husband tried 2nd batch, don’t know why he skipped the Pam. They also stuck. I rolled some dough out and used cookie cutters to save they day for my daughter so she could bring some for her teachers. OH! We added glitter to the ones we rolled out! I will try using Pam tomorrow.

  5. Kelsey, I’ve had several garlands that I’ve kept for years. They don’t really smell anymore, but they still look pretty!

  6. Be careful – the oils/moisture in the cinnamon ornaments (yes, there is still moisture in them even though they are “dried”) can mark porous surfaces.

  7. Do these last from year to year?

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