
Decorating with Nature

One of the best and most frugal ways to decorate is with nature. Early in the Spring, I shared with you how I changed my mantle for Spring by using forsythia, ivy and boxwood.


Well, the forsythia have since died, so I decided to head out to the yard again to see what I could replace it with. This  Beauty Bush is blooming right now, and I just love the little pink flowers.


I cut an arm full and filled the house.


And changed the Mantle


And a few weeks ago, I decorated this cute little chair that sits in a corner in our Living Room.


I just piled up some of my favorite books and put a pitcher/tea pot filled with ivy on them.


  1. Hi from one Hoosier mom to another! I LOVE your knack for arranging … although my thumb is fairly green, I’m just awful at arranging flowers and greenery. I’m in NE Indiana. Wanna come over and help me? 🙂

  2. Hi. I was just surfing around some blogs, and I came across yours. It’s pretty nifty and I’m really enjoying my stay here. I’ve bookmarked your site for daily visits, and I hope you’ll visit me. I’d love to have you. 🙂 Have a great day and I’ll see you around the blogosphere. 🙂

  3. I love decorating with nature, too. I’ve had tulips, and more recently lilacs in the house. I love the way the scent the air.

  4. WOw! That looks great! I wish I had more flowers to decorate with. I’m working on it though. 😀

  5. I love your large star.
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  6. I love decorating with the outdoors. I just had some lilacs in a vase for our kitchen. They smell so good.

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