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Christmas Decor Ideas – 100 Days of Homemade Holiday Inspiration

Decorating might be my favorite part of the holidays aside from baking delicious desserts for the family. I love when my family comes home to a decorated home but nothing means more to me when they help! I love their creativity and just spending time with my family makes the holidays all the more better for me.

100 Days of Homemade Holiday Inspiration continues today with day 27! Each day we will be inspiring you with  recipes, decorating ideas, crafts, homemade gift ideas and much more!  

With the table and tree decorated, it’s time to focus on the rest of the house! Even the outside. Add a little creative style to your house this season with a decorated foyer, family room and dining room! Don’t forget the bedrooms! I usually put lights on my window to add a little holiday spirit!


With decorating done, we can now focus on everything else! Spending time with the family, baking, wrapping or shopping. Don’t forget to leave out cookies for Santa though I’m sure he’ll admire your beautiful decorations as well!


Please join us every day as we spread the Holiday spirit!

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Catch up with all of the holiday inspiration!

100 Days of Homemade Holiday Inspiration

Click on the photos below to see more inspiration from the previous years

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