Catnip Kali

Last week we had a really happy cat, my husband had been working where there was catnip, and his shoes had the smell on them. Kali went crazy! 🙂

Kali Catnip.4

Kali Catnip

Kali Catnip.2

For more fun, please visit these great blog carnivals:

~Photo Story Friday hosted by My Chaos My Bliss

~Wordless Wednesday hosted by Go Graham Go

~Wordless Wednesday hosted by The Newlyweds

~Wordful Wednesday hosted by Seven Clown Circus

~Wordless Wednesday hosted by The Not So Blog


  1. Lol, I have five cats and they all do that with my shoes, makes me worried about wearing them again.

    great photo friday
    .-= Wayne´s last blog ..Photo Friday =-.

  2. How funny!! I love how cats go crazy over cat nip!
    .-= Jenna @ Newlyweds´s last blog ..Food Network Challenge- Baked Eggs =-.

  3. I bet that drove the cat nuts.
    .-= Rob´s last blog ..The Studio Danielson Designs review and giveaway =-.

  4. They certainly do love that catnip, don’t they?
    .-= blueviolet´s last blog ..Their Garden > My Garden =-.

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