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Apple Butter and Homemade Bread

What could be better than a big spoonful of Apple Butter slathered (that’s an official foodie word) on a piece of Homemade Bread? Not much 🙂

Apple Butter.fixed.2.

I was inspired by my friend, Phoebe over at Getting Freedom, when she posted her Apple Butter recipe. I had made Apple Butter before, but not for a couple years.

It’s one of the easiest jams or jellies that you can make. Throw it all in the crockpot, stir it a few times, if you want, and smell the aroma.

It would make great gifts, too. Fill a small jar with the Apple Butter, cover with a piece of fabric, tie a ribbon around it and bake a loaf of bread. What a great teacher, friend, or even co-worker gift! Just to say “Happy Fall! ” 🙂

Apple Butter Jar.fixed.1.

Apple Butter Ingredients

  • Apples
  • Sugar
  • Cinnamon
  • Nutmeg  (I didn’t have nutmeg, so I used allspice and it turned out fine)


Call for your trusted assistant to use the apple peeler/corer/slicer.

Casey helping w apples.fixed.1

Place apples in crockpot.

Apple Butter.fixed.4.

Add sugar and spices.

Apple Butter.fixed.1.

Turn on low for the day or high if you are in a hurry.

After it’s done, pour it into the food processor to make it smooth.

It’s yummy on biscuits, but even better on this Homemade Bread, well, sort of homemade. I made it in the bread machine. Again, easy, dump the ingredients in and let it do it’s thing.

Homemade Bread.fixed.1.

Homemade Bread

Ingredients: (this makes a medium loaf)

  • 3/4 c. Milk or Water
  • 1 1/2 T. Oil
  • 1 1/2 T. Honey
  • 1/2 t. Salt
  • 2 1/4 c. Bread Flour  (I ran out of bread flour, and my friends on Twitter assured me that all-purpose flour can also be used)
  • 1 1/2 t. Yeast


Add liquid ingredients to bread machine (your machine may be different than mine) and then add dry ingredients.

Turn it on and let it go.

Apple Butter.fixed.3.

For more great recipes, please visit:

~2nd Annual Bread Roundup hosted by Joy of Desserts

~Crockpot Wednesday hosted by Dining with Debbie

~Slightly Indulgent Mondays hosted by Simply Sugar & Gluten-Free

~Tasty Tuesday hosted by Beauty and Bedlam

~Tuesdays at the Table hosted by All the Small Stuff


  1. I love apple butter!! I made some and used frozen apple juice concentrate instead of sugar and it turned out beautifully. I think next time I’ll cook it longer and make it a little thicker.

    Also – I didn’t peel my apples and the skins cooked down and pureed beautifully. You can’t tell they’re in there at all.

  2. Liz, I can just smell that delicious aroma all the way out here. A tiny slice of heaven on earth. Fall smells are so comforting.

    Thank you for participating in Save Room for Dessert.

    I hope you’ll be participating in the bread roundup. Bread machine breads are welcome too! 🙂 Here’s the link:
    .-= Joy @ Joy Of Desserts´s last blog ..Walnuts: Do you know these 10 important facts? =-.

  3. Yummo! I had forgotten how much I loved apple butter until I made it and ate some on HM WW Bread. You’re right..not much beats it! 🙂
    .-= Phoebe @ Cents to Get Debt Free´s last blog ..Menu Plan Week of October 11th-17th =-.

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