Giving ~ From your heart

Giving when you don’t have money to give.

Like most families, our finances are really tight. Over the last 18 years, I have been a SAHM most of the time, with the exception of a few part time jobs and a couple short full time jobs. Because we have chosen for me to stay home to take care of our family, our money is stretched. In the last few years, I have learned quite a bit about being frugal and cutting costs, but money is still tight.

So, how do you give without spending money?  You volunteeer.

My middle son is on the Football, Basketball and Baseball Teams at his High School. There has been many opportunities for me to help over the years.  I have organized food for before and after games, helped in the concession stand, sold team apparel at games, baked and cooked for team dinners, and sewn football uniforms when they get torn.


It makes my heart happy to help. One of the most meaningful times that I volunteered, was last year, when a young man on my son’s football team, broke his leg during the game. He lives with his grandmother and they don’t have much, not even a car. So, I helped out by taking him to his Dr. appointments, back and forth to school and practice and to therapy after the cast came off. This young man will probably never forget the time I took to help him, and other than a little gas money, I spent nothing.

If you don’t have the means to give financially, give from your heart. Volunteer! Read to children at school, be a mentor, help at a nursing home, hospital or your church. I know everyone is busy, my life is crazy busy with 3 teenagers, but this is part of who I am, I help, even though we don’t have the money to give.


Please visit:

~Finer Things Friday hosted by The Finer Things in Life

~Frugal Fridays hosted by Life As Mom


  1. What a great post. This is an awesome reminder, especially for the holiday season coming up.
    .-= Jenny´s last blog ..Yum Yum Theme =-.

  2. What a great reminder of how we can give! I have struggled with ways to give without money – these are some great ideas!

  3. Volunteering is so wonderful for the community AND for you! I’ve been impressed by a lady who recently joined my church who is partly disabled but has been taking cuttings from her plants, growing roots on them, putting them in empty containers from yogurt and such, and then selling them and donating all the money to the church.
    .-= ‘Becca´s last blog ..Optimal Oatmeal =-.

  4. Liz – this is called ‘pay it forward!!’ Sometimes we are just moved to help for no other reason than wanting to help from our hearts. I don’t volunteer much be we donate on a regular basis. We have decided to participate in some fundraiser walks – one for St. Jude’s and and for LLS, Lukemia & Lymphoma Society. Joe and I have a basic principle that we practice in our relationship which is to help when we’re asked when we can. It works.

  5. What a great reminder! I enjoy volunteering at my girls’ school and at our church. I’m hoping to also find a regular volunteer opportunity that our family can do together.
    .-= Tracey´s last blog ..Of Teeth and Tooth Fairies =-.

    1. @Tracey, I’m sure with the holidays coming, there will be lots of opportunity for your family to volunteer. What a great idea!
      Thanks for visiting!

  6. Doesn’t volunteer work pay off ten fold? It really makes a difference to those you help too~ thanks for stopping by my blog!

  7. I’m sure your volunteer work has meant so much to many, many people around you. I bet it was especially meaningful to the football player you helped out. Giving from the heart often means so much more than monetary gifts as well!
    .-= Monica´s last blog ..United States Here We Come! =-.

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