
Antique Furniture

Our home was built in 1926, we live in a very old section of our town, which is great for me, because I love antiques. It’s a good thing I do, with raising 3 boys, I haven’t had to worry much about the furniture getting banged up. 🙂

On a recent trip to visit my Father-In-Law, one of the pieces of furniture my husband brought back was this chest. It has been in the family 65 – 70 years. My Father-In-Law had it when he was growing up. In fact, the marble top is cracked from where he accidently dropped it when he was a young boy.

Bathrm Chest.fixed.3

When we moved into the house almost 1 year ago, I needed some shelves in the bathroom. The linen closet is in the hallway, outside the bathroom.

We had these shelves from when the boys were little, so I made do with them. I really didn’t like them at all, but they served the purpose.


After a “window shopping” trip to the antique store, it hit me, I’ll just move the chest upstairs to the bathroom. I originally had the chest in the Living Room.

I made a trip to the Dollar Store and bought baskets to hold our toiletries, 2 baskets for $1. So, for a total of $2.50, I have a brand new (to me) chest in my bathroom.

Bathrm Chest.fixed.6

Bathrm Chest.fixed.2

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~Saturday Night Special hosted by Funky Junk Interiors


  1. What a great storage solution – pretty and functional. And its so much more special because it comes with a family history.

  2. If you love the antiques, there is a place on lincoln way called the Pink elephat. It’s got some AMAZING cool looking antiques from around the world, and are pretty cheap. It’s only open on Saturdays, though

  3. Wonderful! I love when your able to rearrange to create a new look!

    Any tips for storage though? Our dilema is that we took a two bedroom house and made it into three by moving the laundry room. Now I have basically lost 2 rooms and one of the two closets in the whole house! 🙂 (Which was totally worth it for the sake our son has his own room now, but has forced me to be extremely picky on what I really need to hang onto)

    .-= Jes´s last blog ..My FIRST Giveaway!!! Four Halloween Recycled Bottlecap Magnets (Oct. 19) =-.

    1. @Jes, I like the plastic storage boxes with lids. I think they are Sterlite brand, at Walmart, and they aren’t expensive, maybe $5-7. I label them with a full size sheet of paper and list contents. They stack easily and you can see what’s in them.
      I hope that helps, any other questions, please feel free to give me a shout. Thanks for visiting!
      Glad to see you back!

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