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Kids Homework Station

Thank you to Duck Tape for sponsoring this project. As always, the opinions are our own.

Back to school means lots of school supplies to bring into the classroom, but what about when they come home from school and need supplies to complete their homework? This Kids Homework Station is the perfect solution!

Be sure to pick up a few extras of the essentials you don’t have at home- pencils, coloring utensils, etc depending on what age your student is. Then, it’s time to make it look pretty!

Create a Kids Homework Station- save time by knowing where all of your supplies are!

Recently we shared 4th of July Table Decorations, using our favorite Duck Tape! I think it would be fun to create a Back to School celebration using the same concept, all you need to do is swap out the colors of Duck Tape. You could even use the school colors and make a fun, quick and easy banner!

Today we are creating a Kids Homework Station. As always – it’s simple and easy for you! But it’s a perfect way to get organized!

Kids Homework Station Supplies:

Create a Kids Homework Station- save time by knowing where all of your supplies are!

First,  cover the outside edge of shoe box lid with mirror tape. The lid is going to be the tray that holds everything together! Notch the tape at each corner and carefully fold tape over the edge of the box. Create a Kids Homework Station- save time by knowing where all of your supplies are!

Next, line the inside of the box with more mirror tape. You can use the same color you used on the edge of the box or a different color for a fun look.

Create a Kids Homework Station- save time by knowing where all of your supplies are!

Search the house for leftover boxes, cans and cups to complete your homework station. Items that are not tapered like boxes and chip cans can be covered with mirror tape. Use scissors or a craft knife to cut boxes and paper cans down to size. To finish off the edge of a round can, add a piece of mirror tape and make multiple notches. Fold tape down inside of the can.

Create a Kids Homework Station- save time by knowing where all of your supplies are!

For tapered items like snack cups, decorate with alternating stripes of texture tape.

Create a Kids Homework Station- save time by knowing where all of your supplies are!

Once all of your items are decorated use hot glue to secure everything to the box lid.

Create a Kids Homework Station- save time by knowing where all of your supplies are!

And there you have it- all of your supplies in one place- and they look good enough to keep out on the table!

Here are a few more tips I found useful with my boys!

  1. Have a dedicated homework time. Whether it’s right after school, after dinner, or before bed, create a dedicated time and stick to it! We tried to do homework right after they got home from school and had a snack. They knew if they didn’t get their homework done, they couldn’t play!
  2. Have a spot for book bags. Just like it is useful to know where all of your supplies are, it is so helpful to have a “drop zone” or a routine for book bags, lunch boxes etc. Once the boys were old enough, they knew they had to clean out their lunch box and put it away (or no lunch the next day!). Important papers went on the counter and book bags went under the homework table. That way, everything was in one spot when they were ready to do their homework.
  3. Have a minimum amount of time. Since we had three boys- there was always one with no homework or that finished faster than the others. We implemented 30 minutes of mandatory homework time. If they were done for the day, they could read, study for an upcoming test, or help their brothers. It made for much better attitudes!

Create a Homework Station- save time by knowing where all of your supplies are!

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