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Cupcake Corner ~ Thanksgiving Cupcakes

Welcome to Cupcake Corner! My little corner of the cupcake world!

First, I need to apologize!! The Cupcake Chronicles Newsletter is delayed due to technical problems. As of Friday night we are still having trouble, hopefully all will be fixed and you will have it tomorrow.

Wow, we have tons of great things happening here!  Just to update you…

AND on Monday I will be sharing my recipe that I will enter in the Holiday Bake-off in New York City on Friday, part of my overall score is based on the number of comments I receive on the recipe, which includes an AWESOME giveaway!!

So, PLEASE plan on stopping back on Monday and leaving a comment, I would be so GRATEFUL!!

Now, let’s see some Thanksgiving Cupcakes…

Aren’t these TomTom Turkey Cupcakes from Family Fun adorable?

Spearmint Baby shared these cute Turkey Cupcakes on her blog from Bright Ideas

I love this very colorful Turkey from Flickr.

These are a few of my favorite things blog shared these Teepees that are made from cupcakes are so creative!

And these are mine from last Thanksgiving, the Pilgrim Hats and Cornucopia Cupcakes are so much fun to create!

Have you seen the Thanksgiving Your Way Ebook? These cupcakes are featured in it!

I think my Pumpkin Pie Cupcakes would be cute on your dessert table too!

Don’t forget…The Holiday Cupcake Challenge is going on all month, enter your cupcake creation, have your readers vote for you and you might just win!! I have awesome prizes too!

I’m linking to It’s a Blog Party and Saturday Stumbles


  1. *LOL* I’m still working on ‘Pumpkin’ Cupcakes from last month. But I will try these cuties eventually. They are *so* cute!! =)

    Happy Baking Liz!

  2. My oh my….everyone is so talented in the Thanksgiving cupcake department 🙂

  3. I LOVE the Pumpkin Pie Cupcakes and the turkeys with tail feathers – is that gum?

  4. I LOVE your CupCake Corner!

    I am so going to copy your Thanksgiving Cupcake from last year for my bunch. We are going to my sister’s home in FL and my daughter and neice and nephews will LOVE these cupcakes!

    I know how much work a blog can be, but Liz, you have made your blog wonderful! So many ideas…
    …if only i was craftier. 😉

    Good work!

  5. i love the teepees! and the pumpkin pie cupcakes sound heavenly

  6. mandi@itscome2this says:

    Oh I love those!! Especially the teepees – so cute!! I think my son would definitely like making those too!

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