5th Grade Graduation

ast week, my youngest son, Casey, graduated from 5th. grade at Hailmann Elementary School.


Here he is receiving an award for good grades. It was even signed by President Obama.


The class singing their choir songs.


And on the last day of school (he was ready to get out of there, and wasn’t too happy that I was still taking pictures) Oh, the life of a bloggers child!


See ya’ Elementary ~ Hello Middle School!


Peace Out!  🙂

I know it’s suppose to be Wordless, but I couldn’t help myself, sorry.

Please visit these great carnivals for more fun:

~Finer Things Friday hosted by The Finer Things in Life

~Photo Story Friday hosted by What Works For Us

~5 Minutes for Mom

~Go Graham Go

~Mom of 3 Girls


  1. Middle School… I can’t even fathom that yet for my littles, but I know it will happen in the blink of an eye!

  2. How fun! One of my grandkids also just graduated from 5th grade – on Wednesday. On Thursday, anytime anyone asked what grade she was in, she proudly announced she was in Middle School, as of Wednesday at noon!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂 Tell him congrats! 🙂 🙂 🙂

  3. Yay, congrats! Middle school is going to be so much fun!

  4. AWW!!! Congratulations!!! No more elem school! Woot Woot!

  5. Wonderful picture and so awesome he got it sign!

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