Walmart Layaway Reminder

Christmas came a little early this week! Walmart layaway pick-ups are due on December 14th, so we made a trip over to get our Christmas gift to each other. After 24 years of marriage, needless to say, we needed a new pan set.

Growing up my Mom always wrapped the presents and hid them under her bed, pretty oblivious huh? As our boys get older, the hiding spots become more difficult, but we have found that hiding gifts in ordinary spots works pretty well.  This year we used boxes from products that we received to review, and stacked them in the laundry room.

Remember to pick up your layaway items by December 14th! Get your $5 refundable fee too!


One Comment

  1. I totally understand. We now wrap gifts as soon as the enter the house. And stash them in our basement. Thankfully our kids are terrified of the basement, so for now they will still be surprised Christmas morning. lol

    My sister and I sneak-opened our gifts early one year. We were both disappointed Christmas morning that what we opened was all we got. I’ve never done that since!

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