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Valentine Mantel:Decorating with hearts

Since I live in a house full of men, Valentine’s Day is the one holiday where I can decorate with pink, pretty ribbons and…lots and lots of hearts! Over the years I have collected many different sizes and shapes of hearts, some baskets, boxes, and even some that are ceramic.

I created the Heart Garland with scrapbook and construction paper from my stash, making it not only a fun project but also a frugal one. I will be sharing the tutorial for the Garland next week.

For now though, here is the Valentine Mantel

  1. I started with a piece of pink gingham fabric
  2. Then layered on some white fluffy fabric
  3. Next came the Heart Garlands
  4. Then I starting adding the large hearts, baskets…
  5. ceramic and boxes
  6. and some stuffed hearts also
  7. I filled in with a chunky white candle and some small hearts that were ornaments
  8. On the other end, I added some love birds and a red candle

Linking to…Saturday Night Special


  1. Your mantle is beautiful. I have 3 sons and Valentines is one of my favorite holidays because I can put pink all over the house without anyone complaining!

  2. So Cute! Would love for you to add to my Thursday Treasure Party @
    http://www.the treasurista.blogspot.com


    The Treasurista
    Finding and Creating FUN things…

  3. homepodge says:

    I love the garland! It looks similar to the one Jessica shared on her blog. Very cute. Can’t wait for the tutorial!

    1. Thanks for stopping by! I did see her garland, I was planning on giving her credit in the tutorial post. Thanks for reminding me though.

      1. homepodge says:

        I thought I recognized them 🙂
        I’m looking forward to the seeing how you made the fluffy hearts… they’re so cute!

  4. Your decorations are inspiring me. I’m looking forward to your instructions on how you made the heart garland.

  5. I just decorated my mantel for Valentine’s Day for the first time, and I totally understand what you mean about it being the one chance to pull out the stops for girly-ness! Ha! I’m in an all-boy house, too. My last craft was a Valentine banner that ended up high on my girly scale, with hearts and glitter and felt roses and ribbon…so fun : ) I love your garland with the hearts dangling down! I’ll be back to check out the tutorial when you post it!

  6. I love that you decorate your mantlepiece for Valentine’s Day, I don’t think I could get away with that here at the Presbytere!
    I will be back to see the tutorial though, maybe one day I’ll make one!

  7. How pretty this all it. I like all of your hearts. What a nice way to celebrate the holiday. (-:

  8. This is so lovely! You have a great blog. I am hosting a giveaway on my blog…hope to see you there:-) hugs Anu

  9. I love the way you always decorate your mantel for whatever is going on.


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