Taking A Cat Nap

Don’t you wish you could sleep like a cat sometimes? All curled up and sleeping so sound!

Kali sleeping on bed.fixed

On my bed ~ under the blanket

Kali sleeping by heater.fixed

She’s found the warmest place in the house

Kali by heater.fixed

She’s not too happy that the Football cleats took over her spot

Kali in chair.fixed

Be careful ~ you might just sit on her, she blends right in

Kali sleeping.fixed

She makes me laugh 🙂

For more Wordless Wednesday fun, please visit:

~Seven Clown Circus 

~Go Graham Go

~The Not So Blog

~The Newlyweds

~Life Down Our Lane

~Mom of 3 Girls


  1. Any place will do!
    .-= blueviolet´s last blog ..From My Softer Side – W/W Wednesday =-.

  2. Aww sleeping kitty. Yes sometimes I just wish I could curl up like her and sleep the day away.
    .-= Jenna @ Newlyweds´s last blog ..Scrambled Eggs over Asparagus =-.

  3. Onload of page my antivirus put alert, check pls.

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