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Meals ~ December 28 – Jan. 2

MPM Christmas

I hope you all had a glorious Christmas! We are very thankful for the many blessings that God has given us this year. We had a quiet Christmas Eve and Christmas Day and we enjoyed some time with Doug’s family this weekend.

We will be visiting with friends on New Year’s Eve this year, so I thought I would share with you what I plan on taking.

Cheese Ball.fixed.2

Cheese Ball

Cheesy Chili Dip.fixed

Cheesy Chili Dip

And I will also take some dessert; Homemade Peanut Butter Cups (sharing the recipe soon), Cookies and of course, Cupcakes; some fun New Year’s Cupcakes that I will be sharing tomorrow for Cupcake Tuesday.

New Years Cupcakes.fixed.3

The menu for this week:

Monday ~  Ham & Scalloped Potatoes (leftover ham)

Tuesday ~  Breakfast

Wednesday ~  Fettucini Alfredo, Garlic Bread and Salad

Thursday ~  New Year’s Eve

Friday ~  Happy New Year!  Probably a pot of soup or leftovers

Saturday ~ Lasagne (didn’t make from last week)

For more great menu plans, please visit:

~Ultimate Recipe Swap hosted by Life As Mom

~I’m An Organizing Junkie


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