LaPorte Travelers Baseball Team

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A couple weeks ago, after winning the District Tournament, my son’s 15 year old Babe Ruth Team won the Northern Indiana State Tournament. After losing the first game, they battled back with 8 more wins to take the Championship.

Then it was time to travel to the Ohio Valley Regional Tournament, it had been many, many years since LaPorte had won the State Tourney and sent a team to play in the Regionals.

Not really knowing what to expect, and with many of the boys never playing in a large tournament, we set out last Friday late (because of football) and made our way to Mattoon, Illinois for the Regional Tournament.

Our first game was scheduled for Saturday at 9 a.m., well, after arriving after midnight, and a combination of a few other things, they lost their first game. But, knowing these boys, and the passion they have to play ball and win, we weren’t counting them out. And it’s a good thing, they went on to play 7 more games, beating teams (and I will add, really, really good teams) from Ohio, West Virginia and Michigan. They also beat the Southern Indiana Champs, making them the Indiana State Champs.

After winning their game on Monday, they headed into the final four on Tuesday, and after winning the first game of the day, they played their second game only 30 minutes after finishing the first. And had to play an undefeated team from Wisconsin. And, you guessed it, they won!  Forcing the tournament directors to host yet another game in the finals.

They played Wednesday morning, playing their hearts out. Coming only 3 runs away from winning, the final score, Wisconsin 3 – LaPorte 1. The win would have sent the boys to Washington State for an all expense paid opportunity to play in the Babe Ruth World Series. We all felt like the boys just simply ran out of steam, they had played 8 really hard games, their arms and bodies were tired and sore.

We, parents and fans, are so very proud of the boys and what they have done to represent LaPorte Baseball.

Here are a few photos from the tournament, courtesy of Baseball Mom, Dionne, photographer extraordinaire!

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They painted the field with the logo

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The teams participated in an Opening Ceremony, unfortunately the whole team couldn’t be there because of football practice

Nick. Regional Game.2

Nick playing 1st Base (thanks Darla for this picture)

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Nick, pitching

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The best fans in the world! with signs for their players

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The Tournament MVP, “G” Man

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Some of the best photos are the simplest

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The Team


  1. Well done boys I love the pictures thankyou for sharing

  2. IllinoisLori says:

    Wow, Congratulations to all the boys! And well done to all the moms and dads, too…

    God Bless,
    Lori (aka Plans4You)

  3. Sherry Smith says:

    Thank-you liz, this is great. It’s still emotinal and this brings it all back! I’m so very happy for this good group of guys, coaches & parents. We all became such a great team together in every way! Will never forget this!

  4. what amazing photos! helped by the vibrant orange for sure! that must be some telefoto lens you have 🙂

  5. Most definitely something to be proud of! And wonderful pictures!

  6. LOVE the shot of the cleats. You’re so right about the simplest shots being the best.

    Sounds like the boys and their parents have every reason to be very, very proud of all they accomplished!

  7. Liz –

    Nice tribute to the boys. Thanks! What a team, what a ride. I think that would make a good t-shirt with their names and listing of accomplishments!!! Nope, there has been nothing in the paper – we subscribe and I keep watching but nothin’. Keep looking for a front page spread!!! I’ll be sure and give you and Rhonda a shout as soon as I see something.

    Thanks again!

    1. Thanks Chris! Yes, It would make a great T-shirt! Figures, no coverage in the paper 🙁
      Thanks for visiting!

  8. Liz,
    Did the Local news paper even recogonize this special event?
    I just wonder if you know. I do not subscribe. The boys did a great job, returning home was quite a deflation after yelling and cheering with all our hearts for 5 days.
    It was a great ride while it lasted and the boys should hold thier heads high this was a great accomplisment! We still need to get the team together for a team championship dinner at Redamac’s “on the house” compliments from Linda Maroney.

    1. I don’t get the newspaper either. I’ve checked a couple days, but haven’t seen it.
      Yes, it was an awesome ride!
      Thanks for visiting!

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