Irish Soda Bread

Baking special treats and making Holidays fun, has always been important to me. Irish Soda Bread is a traditional bread served on St. Patrick’s Day.
Wondering why they call it Soda Bread, I used my handy Swagbucks toolbar, and searched around, this is what I found from the Society of Preservation of Soda Bread (yep, it really does exist )
“Just like the bagpipes weren’t invented by the Scots, Soda Bread wasn’t invented by the Irish. The earliest reference to using soda ash in baking bread seems to be credited to American Indians using it to leaven their bread. Pearl Ash was used prior to 1800 to make cakes by combining it with an acidic ingredient in the dough. However, as the Scots have made the bagpipe their instrument, the Irish have made Soda Bread theirs. Not by choice, but by a state of poverty that made it the easiest bread to put on the table.”
While most breads have yeast to make them light, Irish Soda Bread does not contain yeast, so it is a heavy, dense bread.
Isn’t this the prettiest bread ever? I’m not sure I will bake it again anytime soon. We did like the taste, although the boys didn’t really care for the texture. We really like the dried cranberries in it. I used them because I couldn’t find currants, and they worked out really well.
Head on over to Pocket Change Gourmet for the recipe!
Follow Hoosier Homemade for St. Patrick’s Day Food & Fun
I was just thinking “I would use raisins” and then saw your comments! Guess I’m not terribly original! haha
I am so terribly intrigued by this recipe. I would probably be making it right now if I hadn’t used all my butter on banana bread this morning. Good thing tomorrow is grocery day! 🙂
Oh, I have made tons of it! 70 loaves one year for orders, and 50 for each of my 4 gkids Christenings as take homes for the guests.
Soda Bread can be awful, dry and crumbly..Authentic soda bread was plain, as only the wealthy had currants or caraway.
Mine is not authentic, but it is good..I made a few loaves today..More next week..
Yours looks good!
@Cuisine Kathleen, Thanks so much! Wow, it sounds like you’ve made a ton! That’s awesome! I see you are having a St. Pat’s Party next Tues. I’ll be there!
Thanks for visiting!
That looks really good and it’s beautifully photographed. I haven’t made Irish soda bread, but I’ve made Irish soda bread scones. Thanks for sharing your recipe!
Is it horrible that I’ve never even heard of soda bread? It looks really good so I’ll have to see if we can whip some up.
.-= Kimberly @ Raising Olives´s last blog ..4 Moms, 35 Kids – Our Schedule =-.
I have never made Irish Soda bread, but I am always hoping that someone will make it because I LOVE IT!
Maybe this year I will make some!
I am so not Irish and have never had this before! It looks really yummy:-)
It is a pretty bread indeed. I had no idea the Scots didn’t invent the bagpipes (as my Nana rolls over in her grave). Interesting lessons on soda as well. It’s amazing what’ll happen to dough after you knead it a couple times, eh? I made a doughnut recipe and the only way I could describe the dough was that it felt like jellyfish – ew! Thanks for sharing your wonderful recipe 🙂
.-= Sarah @ Mum In Bloom´s last blog ..Recipe: Peasant Style Cabbage Soup =-.
@Sarah @ Mum In Bloom, That’s funny! Jellyfish…yup, that’s what it felt like. Thanks so much for visiting!
This looks lovely! I just need a way to make it gluten-free and dairy free and still look lovely and taste good. I have always wanted to try Irish Soda Bread. I still may for the gluten eaters in my home;)
Mmmmm delicious. My favorite way to eat soda bread is toasted with butter or dipped in some egg and french toast style…yum!
.-= Nutmeg Nanny´s last blog ..Green Velvet Cupcakes =-.
yes, I only put raisins in it.
Do you not like corned beef?
.-= Diane {}´s last blog ..Shamrock Pretzel =-.
@Diane {}, Nope, no Corned Beef for us, lol! I’ll be making Irish Stew!
I love Irish soda bread and make it at least once a year! My kids devour it 🙂 I put raisins in mine. My mom always made it and I’m glad she gave me the recipe. I will be making corned beef next week too 🙂
.-= Diane {}´s last blog ..Shamrock Pretzel =-.
@Diane {}, Do you use only raisins? Or other berries too? Corned beef,well, as I said, I won’t make that. Whew! Sorry! lol