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Ice Cream Party Printables

Happy Friday my friends! Do you have big plans for the weekend? We are spending most of the weekend at the Baseball Field, it should be a hot one!

Instead of Hoosier Homemade Rewind today, I just had to share with you these adorable printables that Charlotte from The Paper Cupcake created for Cupcake Chronicles Newsletter. Be sure to check out The Paper Cupcake Etsy Shop, Charlotte has awesome printables!!

The Ice Cream Topping Stand Kit is from Wilton, I added some sprinkles and ice cream toppings. The Cherry and Blueberry Sauce were left over from when I made the Hand Pies.

The Ice Cream Sundae Cupcakes are super easy to create too!!

The recipes and printables are EXCLUSIVE to Cupcake Chronicles Newsletter subscribers. If you would like to receive the newsletter and the FREE monthly printable, add your information.

If you are subscribing after Friday, July 22nd, please leave me a comment or drop me an email and I will be happy to send you the printables!

Enter your Email Preview | Powered by FeedBlitzI’m linking to…Hodge Podge Friday


  1. I love the ice cream printables, could you email them to me please? Thanks!

  2. I would love to have the ice cream printables!

  3. I love your ice cream printables. Can you please send me the link? I just subscribed to the newslatter and can’t wait to get started on my daughter’s bday party! Thanks.

  4. Would love to have the printables that I have missed…THANKS!

  5. I am a subscriber and I got the newsletter however I for the life of me cannot locate the link to print these.

    1. The link is right under the photo of the printables. It says “Just click HERE and it will take you to the page the printables are on.”
      Let me know if you still need help.

  6. Hi! We found your website and we are absolutely in love! I am actually having an ice cream party tomorrow and would love to use your ice cream printables . . . would you mind emailing them to me? We started subscribing to your emails about a week ago.
    Thanks so much!
    Camille @

    [email protected]

  7. I’d love to make these. Would you be able to email me the link to these? I’m an email subscriber (for a long time, love your stuff :)) but I don’t see any link like you described above in the body of the email to click to access the download. I see the Exclusive note, then a link to sign up for updates, then the email ends.
    Thank you in advance!

    1. I see you are already subscribed to Cupcake Chronicles. Did you receive the newsletter on July 22? The printables were in there.

      1. @CupcakeLady,
        I did get the newsletter, but did not see any link to the printables in it. I just pulled it back up to double-check and after clicking every link in the email, still don’t see where to find them. I apologize.

        1. The link is right under the picture of the printables and right above the picture of all the Ice Cream Cupcakes. Click the link and it will open to the newsletter page, then click the link to the printables, they will open in a PDF, then print.

          1. I will re-email it, it shouldn’t be a gmail issue.

  8. hi i will like to receive the icecream printables, i did subscribe (but the same July 22nd), tks, dalys. my email is [email protected]

    rgds, me

    1. Kimberly, Did you subscribe to the newsletter? I’m not seeing your email in the database.

  9. Hi, I do subscribe to the chronicles and saved the email to print them for a party we’re planning as a college send-off and now I can’t figure out how to get to the printables. ;/ Can you help? Thanks so much. We had the guest list ready and ran into a snag! Love your newsletter. The lemonade cupcakes sound like our next to try.

    1. Hi Kal, I’m not seeing your email in the subscribers database. Did you subscribe with this email? You should have received the newsletter last Friday.

  10. Ok, I’m obviously missing something! I subscribe to the newsletter, but can’t figure out how to download the free printables. Are they only available for a short amount of time or am I too tired & need to try again tomorrow? Thanks for your help!!

    Love your site BTW!!

    1. Marla, I see your subscription. Did you receive the newsletter? It went out last Friday. If you did, down toward the bottom, below the picture of the printables, is a link to them, just follow the directions, open and print. Let me know if you are still having trouble.

  11. Hi Liz, could you send me the ice cream party printable?

    Thanks a lot


  12. Hi may daughter is turning 16 and wants to have a Sundae bar…These would be perfect for her party. I would be very grateful if you would send me a copy of the printables. Thank you for your wonderful site.

  13. Love the cupcake printables!! please send me the link, I would LOVE to do these for my daughters 7th birthday party!!

    1. Hi Brittney, Did you subscribe to Cupcake Chronicles? I’m not seeing your subscription in the data base, but it might just be a little delayed.
      Thanks much!

  14. I love the ice creamkprintables swoops love to get the link to download them. Love your website and all the inspirations.

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