Healthy Snacks for Kids

Eating healthy is an important lesson to teach your kids as they grow. From toddler to teen what we teach our kids can determine how and why they make the food choices they do, and influence generations to come. Snacking can be the source of a large amount of empty calories in the average child’s diet so it is essential to provide them with the healthiest snacks we can.

As a family we have not always been the best at healthy snacking but over the years we have learned that it is easier if we have a variety of healthy snacks on hand. Which can include…

  • Apples
  • Bananas
  • Berries
  • Carrots
  • Celery

Sometimes if you create a special presentation, kids will look past the fact that they are eating fruit or veggies. We love this Honey Lime Fruit Salad. Join us in the Horizon Communityas we chat about Healthy Snacks for Kids.

While we are just like the majority of families when it comes to soda pop we encourage our boys to drink plenty of water and fruit juices along with fresh milk. It’s amazing the difference in how you feel when you don’t load up on pop at every meal and it definitely doesn’t qualify as a snack.

One of the most over looked  pitfalls is portion size, in this day of Super-sized this and Super-sized that it’s easy for kids to overeat, sometimes even too much of a good thing can be bad. So we tell our boys to always grab a dish that way they can see exactly how much you are eating.

Share how you get your kids to eat healthy food below for a chance to win a $500 Mom’s Getaway Spa Day from BlogFrog!

Want to exchange more healthy snacks ideas, money saving tips and back to school shopping advice with other moms? Visit the Horizon® Healthy Families Back to School Community!

This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Horizon.  The opinions expressed by me do not necessarily reflect the view of the Horizon Organic brand.