Getting to the Heart of Christmas

With the terrors of the senseless shootings at Sandy Hook Elementary School consuming the attention of the general public it’s easy and understandable to forget that just weeks ago thousands of people lives were thrown into disarray when another Sandy bore down upon the east cost. Hurricane Sandy left many people in dire need of everyday essentials, especially those who are least able to fend for themselves, children.

In this season of giving, the generosity of everyday people is what sets our society apart from others and giving from the heart is what matters the most. The children of the Belle Harbor School, P.S/M.S. 114 were one of the hardest hit, their school lost almost everything. To compound the loss many of the students lost their personal belongings when their neighborhood burned down.

Walmart is working with the Today Show to give back much that was lost, Walmart and will fill the school’s gym with new sporting equipment, its art room with supplies, its auditorium with new instruments, and more. Walmart and the Today Show also surprised students with a gift of music of their own….each will receive a Christmas stocking with an IPod Nano….and a visit from a special guest: Nick Cannon will be on hand to surprise the kids and offer an addition gift of headphones exclusive to Walmart.

Watch the video segment from the Today Show…

Walmart also helped the Rockaway WISH (Women Inspired to Support & Help) Foundation, that began in 2006 and has really taken off since the organization’s efforts post Hurricane Sandy. They are raising money for those impacted by the storm as well as rebuilding efforts. Walmart donated a laptop, printer and $5,000 (100 gift cards at $50) in gift cards to them, as well.

You can learn more about the Getting to the Heart of Christmas program, on the official page. And from these other Walmart Moms…



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