DuPont Sanitizer for Sealed Natural Stone

Sniff, sniff, sniffle, sniffle. The first signs of a winter cold or worse, the flu. None of us like to get sick and we will do all that we can to prevent illness from striking us and our family. Kitchen counters can be breeding grounds for a lot of bad germs and bacteria, especially when you’re in the kitchen as often as we are. I’d say that well over half our time during the day is spent in the kitchen, so you can bet anything that can help disinfect the surfaces in our kitchen we’re going to take a look at.
DuPont has introduced a NEW product available exclusively at Walmart that when used according to the manufacturers directions kills 99.999% of bacteria in one minute. DuPont Sanitizer for Sealed Natural Stone is a ready-to-use anti-bacterial formulation that is effective against household germs in your kitchen as well as the bathroom.
It’s simple to use. After a busy day in the kitchen, baking and cooking for the family we just clean off the counter top by wiping any large food particles off the surface. Once this is done I sprayed the DuPont Sanitizer for Sealed Natural Stone and let it do it’s work for 1 minute and wiped it down again.
I wanted to show you how easy it was so I made a short video that shows you how…
Oh, you don’t have a granite counter top? Don’t fret, this can be used on most washable hard, nonporous surfaces including sealed natural stone, sealed grout, DuPont Corian solid surfaces, Dupont Zodiaq surfaces, glass, stainless steel, glazed ceramic and glazed fiberglass, plastic, chrome and vinyl.
At a low price of $3.28 for a 24 oz. spray bottle the economics are simple, spend a little now to protect you and your family or spend potentially more later for cough and cold medicine. I know what my choice is going to be.
Look for DuPont Sanitizer Spray exclusively at your local Walmart.