
Cupcake Tuesday~Snickers Cupcakes

Welcome to Cupcake Tuesday!   If you are new here, grab a cup of tea or a glass of milk and enjoy a cupcake!

I’m very excited today, because I have a guest! And not just any guest, a very special one!  Brittney has been part of our family for a little more than a year and a half! She is dating my son Nick, and we are just thrilled to have her as part of our family. I love her like a daughter.

I will let her tell you how they baked these amazing cupcakes!

My name is Brittney and I am dating Hoosier Momma’s middle son. One Sunday, my father requested Snickers cupcakes. He has had Hoosier Momma’s Butterfinger cupcakes and was wondering if it was possible to make a Snickers cupcake. Therefore Nick (Hoosier Momma’s son) and I, experimented and found a way to make these cupcakes. I hope you enjoy my recipe for Snickers cupcakes.

We started with a box of white cake mix. We followed the directions that can be found on the back of any box of store bought cake mix. Next, we separated the cake mix into the cupcake pan. After the batter is poured into the pan, take the mini snickers (unwrapped of course) and push them down to the middle of the batter. Bake, following the directions on the box. After the cupcakes are cooked and cooled, we frosted them, using canned frosting.  After all the cupcakes had been frosted, we drizzled the cupcakes with caramel and sprinkled them with cut up snickers. After all this has been done, the cupcakes are ready to be served.

·         One box of white cake mix
·         Mini Snickers bars
·         Frosting
·         Caramel

Yum! Didn’t they do a great job? I think I’ll have them bake more often 🙂

Don’t miss out on my fun giveaways! If you are participating in the Ultimate Blog Party, I’m giving away a copy of the What’s New Cupcake? book and I also have a wonderful Make-Ahead Meals for Busy Moms Cookbook.

And don’t forget to leave your questions for the authors of the What’s New Cupcake? book! They’ll be answering them soon, during the upcoming cupcake video series!

Now it’s your turn! Please share your cupcake or muffin recipe! For the guidelines, you can visit Cupcake Tuesday.

Please be sure to link back to this post, so that your readers can see all the yummy creations and visit some (or all) of the other participants.


  1. Amy @ Finer Things says:

    Snickers are my candy weakness. These look amazing!

  2. What a great feature! I love cupcakes. And props to Brittney for creating her own recipe. I haven’t had the guts to do that yet.

    I’ll have to remember to pop back next Tuesday. =)

  3. Tammy @ Not Just Paper and Glue says:

    That sounds very delicious! Great job!
    .-= Tammy @ Not Just Paper and Glue´s last blog ..Spotlight Yourself! =-.

  4. pamela ponder says:

    wow those look so good a must try for sure I am bookmarking this recipe
    .-= pamela ponder´s last blog ..THE ULTIMATE BLOG PARTY ~LET’S PARTY!!! =-.

  5. These sound delicious! ( Along with pretty much everything that is ever posted here!) ‘Hoosier Momma’ made me giggle too. 🙂

  6. Loveee the post 🙂

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