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College Sports Fan Bedroom

My middle and youngest sons are huge sports fans. My middle son came up with the idea of painting  jerseys on their bedroom walls. I’m very excited to share with you the finished College Jersey Bedroom. We still have some decorating and organizing to do, but the painting is done.

I shared with our progress on Week #1, Week #2, Week #3 and Week #4. For the Week #4 post, I showed you how we started with a foam core board, drew out the T-shirt, cut it out and traced it on the wall.

We started by painting each jersey the solid color.



We outlined them using a Paint Pen, we tried several brushes, but this worked great. It was well worth the extra trip to Walmart to buy them.

After painting and outlining them, Nick printed the LongHorns symbol and the letters on the computer. We traced around them and painted them free hand.



We also used the Paint Pen to draw the buttons and button flap.


We found pictures of each of the jerseys online, using them for a base idea.






Michigan State


North Carolina



On one of the walls we put the jersey on the edge so the sleeve was going around the corner.


The boys had a good time painting.



Nick had a little more fun than he should have.

For more great blog carnivals, please visit:

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~Works For Me Wednesday hosted by We Are THAT Family

~Tackle it Tuesday hosted by 5 Minutes for Mom

~Talk About Tuesday hosted by The Lazy Organizer

~I Am Blissfully Domestic


  1. Hi, I came to visit from Homemaker Barbi and really enjoyed looking at the photos. What a great job you’ve all done, and what a fun idea. I’ll have to pass the idea on to my grandsons 🙂

  2. What a cute idea…I love fun and original kid’s bedrooms. You and your guys did great.

  3. The Lazy Organizer says:

    What a fun idea and such talent! You all did a great job.

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