Blogging Schedule

Recently I have found myself quite overwhelmed with all I need to do. And with the holidays quickly approaching, it will only get worse.

One of the things I was feeling overwhelmed with was keeping up with all the different topics I needed to blog about.

There are lots of fun carnivals and festivals going on now and in the near future that I didn’t want to miss out on. And several of the carnivals that I regularly link up to have themes scheduled for the upcoming months and I didn’t want to miss any of those either.

So, I decided to create a Blogging Schedule.

Blogging Schedule.fixed.1

I printed off a calendar, and wrote everything in. Then went back to the computer and typed it all in, I color coded each of the carnivals (memes), it’s a little easier that way, plus it looks pretty 🙂 Now, of course you could do this on your online calendar, but I’m a paper and pen kinda gal.

After I printed off the schedule, then I was able to plan what I was going to bake, cook and blog about. I also have room on the side to write down ideas as I see them, recipes or tips I would like to blog about.

Blogging Schedule.fixed.2

A Blogging Schedule works for me! For more Works For Me Wednesday ideas, please visit, We Are THAT Family.

Having a schedule is definately a Finer Thing too, please visit  Finer Things Friday.


  1. great idea- I think I may have to swipe this idea

  2. Good Plan! I started scheduling my blogs early summer 2009. It saved me a lot of hassle. Other than memes, I found that I have to do a lot of brainstorming and leave some topics in a list form. I’m often inspired and motivated by reading other blogs and come up with a spur of the moment post – but having that list of topics keeps me on track if I’m having a “blogger block” moment. I love your pretty calendar – pretty and functional totally rock!
    .-= Debbie´s last blog ..Works for Me Wednesday: Take A Nap =-.

  3. What a great idea!!!
    Of course, I would have to schedule a time to schedule the time …
    Weeeeee bit overwhelmed over here right now 🙂
    .-= karen´s last blog ..#3 – Stuffed Chicken Thighs =-.

  4. Angie @ Many Little Blessings says:

    I totally need to do something like that. I have tried before, and didn’t really keep up with it. But I really think I could used it again.
    .-= Angie @ Many Little Blessings´s last blog ..Why You Should Choose Larger Portraits for Your Walls =-.

  5. I really need to get better at organizing my blog To-Do’s. Thanks for the tips!
    .-= Phoebe @ Cents to Get Debt Free´s last blog ..Buttery Homemade Cornbread =-.

  6. I love this idea – I do something similar. It helps me stay organized and avoids last minute trips to the shopping store. It also avoids stress because my posts are ready to go when I need them.

  7. I do something like this too. It helps me so much.

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