
Baking Cupboard Organization

As most cupboards do at some point in time, my baking cupboard had become out of control.

Baking Cupboard.fixed.1.

So, I unloaded all of the spices, baking ingredients, chips, nuts, and of course sprinkles.

I divided them into groups, and placed them on each shelf.

Baking Cupboard.fixed.2.

Baking Cupboard.fixed.3.

You see, it’s really great to have everything organized. But more important, are my sprinkles and cupcake decorations. Because I have to be able to decorate all those yummy cupcakes to share with you.


Do you recognize the containers? Yep, I saved them from chicken and beef bouillon cubes. I once saw this amazing system to store your sprinkles in over at Bakerella, where she used a spice rack from Amazon. But, the rack is close to $50, so, I will add it to my wish list. And for $-0- I still have my sprinkles well organized.


  1. why did you transfer the sprinkles from their original containers?

    1. To make it more uniform looking. And I like the clear glass containers.

  2. You’re looking very organized now! I would love to have a cupcake right about now, too. 🙂 Visiting from WFMW. Hope you’re having a good day!

    pk @ Room Remix
    .-= pk´s last blog ..Coffee Table Ideas, Tips and Inspiration =-.

  3. This reminds me that I need to start my “stock up” list for my holiday baking–I try to watch and catch most of it on sale, but I need to “inventory”!
    .-= Charlene @ A Virtuous Woman´s last blog ..Cooking From the Pantry =-.

  4. AHHH! you have more?! I might be coming over for a visit!
    .-= Sharon´s last blog ..just for the JOY of it =-.

  5. Okay, I’m jealous… But not of your cupboards (although they look great). I’m jealous of your sprinkle collection!!

    1. @Sharon, LOL! I hate to tell you, I only showed the picture of the sprinkles in the bouillon cube containers, I do have more. Sprinkles go a long way – you know! Thanks for visiting!

  6. I have a unique way of holding my baking supplies. The photography is bad but you will get the idea here .
    .-= Susie’s Homemade´s last blog ..FNCCC: Week 9 =-.

  7. I love that! Just one question, though. How do you get rid of the bouillon smell from the jars??
    .-= Angela´s last blog ..Candy Corn Cookies =-.

  8. Good work and the sprinkles are so pretty!!

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