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April Menu Plan


I can’t believe it’s been a whole month since I started my blog! It’s been just awesome and I’ve met so many great people.

Recently I stumbled across a great article and video from Little Miss Know It All and her Top 5 Savings Stategies.  She suggests having 2 menu plans, one for Spring/Summer and one for Fall/Winter and just re-using them, I have made a monthly menu plan for several years, but I think I will take re advise and just re-use. My menu may change a little as summer produce hits, but my family eats the same food most of the time anyway. She also says that by having a monthly menu plan, you know plenty in advance what you are having so if something goes on sale, you can stock up.

April Menu Plan

1 ~ April Fool’s Dinner~Snakes and Bugs

2~Crockpot Chicken

3~Bacon Cheeseburgers and Fries

4~Chicken Salad Sandwiches, veggies and dip

5~Leftover Buffet

6~Homemade Chicken Nuggets and Fries (Son’s bday dinner)

7~Homemade Corn Dogs

8~Chicken N’ Noodles, mashed potatoes

9~Tuna Casserole, fruit

10~Enchiladas, chips and salsa

11~Stuffed Baked Potatoes and Chicken Wings

12~Easter Dinner


14~Ham & Scalloped Potatoes

15~Fried Egg Sandwiches

16~Chicken Pot Pie


18~New Recipe

19~Grill Out

20~Taco Ring, fries

21~Whole Chicken

22~Eat Out

23~Spaghetti and Meatballs

24~Sloppy Joes

25~Shangai Wings and Appetizers

26~Leftover Buffet

27~Chef Salad

28~BBQ Meatballs, Mac & Cheese

29~BLT Sandwiches

30~Chicken Stir-Fry

Please visit The Lazy Organizer for more great Talk About Tuesday posts.


  1. It is the coolest site,keep so!

  2. The Lazy Organizer says:

    How organized!!! I need to do this. I guess I will start right now!

  3. I think you mentioned this is your first month of blogging? Well, welcome to the blog world! You have a cute blog and I’m so glad you posted the April Fool’s recipes. I was looking for something to do for the kids and this is it.

  4. This looks great! Its so nice to have just two menus. Makes things so much simpler. That video is a 5 minute version of my 5 hour class, so I had to leave out some of my other tips on menu planning. Like,1. leave a night or two each month for experimenting–gives you options! 2. Its your menu, you can change it any time you want! 3. Everything goes on sale at some point, so stock up when it does. Right now is the time to be buying whole chickens….and you can use those all year!

    My other big tip is to try bulk cooking. Every time you cook a meal, double or triple it, and put the extras in the freezer. It takes like 10-15 minutes extra, and you’ll have two meals in the freezer for nights when you’re sick or too tired to cook. It also allows you to really take advantage of big sales. Saves time and money–and who doesn’t love that?

    Great looking blog! I was surprised when you said you’d been at it for a month!!

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