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Cupcake Tuesday ~ Celebrating the New Year

Wow! Can it really be? 2010? How exciting! I’m really looking forward to the New Year. I have always enjoyed starting fresh and being renewed.

And, of course, I couldn’t let the New Year arrive without a fun cupcake (or 2) to share with you.

New Years Cupcakes.fixed.3

I decorated these with Airheads, soften them in the microwave for about 15 seconds then mold them into glasses, champagne bottle and cut a small strip and curl it for the streamer. These were very easy to make, I’m not much of an artist, but you get the idea.

New Years Cupcakes.fixed.4

The countdown…

New Years Cupcakes.fixed.2

These cupcakes were frosted with white buttercream and sprinkled with silver colored sugar. I placed them on a round tray and simply piped on the numbers for the clock. Added one in the middle and cut the hands of the clock out of cardstock.


Wishing you and your family a healthy and happy New Year!

I don’t usually link up my Cupcake Tuesday carnival to others, but I just couldn’t resist today:)

Please visit:

~Tempt My Tummy Tuesday hosted by Blessed with Grace

~Tasty Tuesday hosted by Balancing Beauty and Bedlam


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