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Fall Home Tour

Welcome to my home! Come on in, enjoy my Fall decorations, have a cup of tea and a cupcake 🙂

Greeting you at the front door is the wreath that I made last year…

Fall Wreath.fixed

On my Mantle in the Living Room, you will find the scarecrow that I made ages ago, some pumpkins and Fall leaves…

Fall Mantle.fixed

In my Dining Room, you will find my Hoosier Cabinet…

Fall Hoosier Cabinet.fixed

On the table, I used my trifle bowl that I usually use for dessert, put some acorns in that I gathered up off the ground, a candle and some fresh ivy that I cut from our yard.

Fall Trifle Bowl.fixed.1

Fall Trifle Bowl.fixed.2

Adding some color in the corner of my Dining Room, is my Fall Tree. I love decorating this little tree for all the seasons. I also decorated it for Spring and Summer. Stay tuned for my Christmas Trees! Yes, plural, trees, I put up 7 trees at Christmas!

Fall Tree.fixed

Fall Tree.fixed.2

Thanks for visiting! I hope you come back real soon!


  1. Wow, your decorations are beautiful. I’m going to add your blog to favorities to see your Christmas decorations.

    Stopping from 7 clowns.

  2. Love the Autumn decorations! Wish I had a knack for it! I only do Christmas, it’s too much work for me to think through since I don’t have that “creative touch” in me ;-)!

  3. Your house looks beautiful! Love the wreath!

  4. Very pretty! And I love those big stars. I have several of them. And a fall tree? I never thought of that before! thanks for sharing!
    .-= Stephanie´s last blog ..English Muffin Bread =-.

  5. I love your decor! Too cute…and I’m lovin’ your stripes on the wall, too!

  6. I love that trifle bowl with acorns/candle. Think I may just find me an empty spot to put mine. Lord knows we have no shortage of acorns on our land! 🙂
    .-= Phoebe @ Cents to Get Debt Free´s last blog ..Buttery Homemade Cornbread =-.

  7. Beautiful!! I wish I had that decorating touch. I skipped it this year but am gearing up for Christmas. I bought everything on clearance last year – 70% off – so all my decorations were only $100. Ha. Let’s see if I can figure out what to do with them.

  8. Oh my look at all these Fall decorations! You put my decorations to shame. I can’t wait to see your Christmas decorations, I just love getting ideas from other people:) I can’t believe you put up seven trees….they are not all real are they?
    .-= Nutmeg Nanny´s last blog ..Maple Sugar Ragamuffins & Giveaway Winner! =-.

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