Talent Show Fun

Earlier this week, Casey, our youngest son, was in the Talent Show for his school. He sang “Walk This Way”, by Aerosmith. He did an awesome job and “rocked” the house.

Here he is performing


And here he is after the show.  You can’t see it too well, but I sprayed his hair green. He thought it was super cool!


Way to go Casey! We are really proud of you!

Please visit these great carnivals for more fun:

~Finer Things Friday hosted by The Finer Things in Life


  1. What a brave young man! Looks like he had a blast.
    Because of Jesus, Bobbie

  2. My son would love that green hair. “Walk This Way” is a hard song to sing. Congrats on doing a great job!

  3. Sounds like fun and so brave! I could never sing in front of anyone.

  4. How fun – that’s awesome . . . no wonder you are so proud of him!

  5. He looks so proud. I love it when kids will just get up and perform!

  6. Congratulations. I think that takes a lot of guts to get up and sing in front of an audience!

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