
Inspiration Sunday – Pinterest

Let’s chat about Pinterest, my friends! At first, I dug my heels in…”I don’t have time to waste on Pinterest”, “What is all the excitement about?”, or “Pinterest is a time sucker”…yep, those were all things that I thought and actually said to Doug. AND THEN…I got bit…by the Pinterest Bug!

The Pinterest Bug is not an ordinary bug though…it’s an Inspiration Bug!

If you are familiar with Pinterest, I’m not telling you anything new, but if you aren’t…give it a try! You WILL be inspired!

Friday afternoon, while taking a little break, I sent out a tweet…”I’m pinning! Send me your favorite Pinterest board.” I only had 1 response, BUT it was an amazing one from Debbie at Debs Heart and Home. Her Organize Board is FULL of awesome ideas, like One Week to Organizing Your Finances, using a tension rod to hold spray bottles or cute jar storage.

I used to be organized…I REALLY did! And then the boys got older, life got busy and I started blogging. Now…my house is screaming for attention, the papers have overrun the house and I feel like it’s out of control.

Being organized has been on my mind a lot lately! And not just having things organized around the house, but getting our paperwork, and our lives back in order.

So here’s the deal…my plan is to work my way through our home, organizing our things and our lives. I will share my projects with you, in hopes of inspiring you to do the same, but also, honestly…it gives me motivation when I know I need to help you.

Helping you “Be a Hero” to your families is my #1 goal, but I also need to “Be a Hero” to my own family! I have some great projects already spinning around in my head.

Now if organizing is not your thing, or if you have everything organized the way you want it, you may enjoy some of my other Pinterest Boards

How about Food on a Stick? It’s just more fun to eat when it’s on a stick!

I’m SO excited for Spring this year and have started collecting some beautiful ideas to inspire a fresh look!

Everyone loves Peeps…right? I’ve been adding some fun ideas to enjoy those sugary little marshmallow treats!

Now there are also a few rules when using Pinterest! By #1 pet-peeve…please, please, PLEASE don’t copy and paste anyone’s recipe, there are copyright laws and you don’t want to break them.

Amy from Blogging with Amy shared The Ultimate List of Pinterest Tips, and it really is Ultimate! Everything you could ever want to know about the do’s and don’ts of Pinterest!

You also need an invitation to join. So if you need an invite…drop me a comment here or email me {hoosierhomemade{at}gmail{dot}com} and I’ll send you an invite!

Want more yummy recipes? Follow our Pocket Change Gourmet Pinterest Boards!

Let’s get Pinning!!

ps…thanks to SkinnyTaste for Inspiring me to make a Pinterest button

Linking to…Made by you Monday , Works for me WednesdayTransformation Thursday, The Weekly Roundup






  1. I am addicted to Pinterest! I, too, had the same misgivings and thoughts as you did originally, but once I checked it out, I was infected with the Pinterest bug! But, it’s been a good thing. I have found some wonderful recipes to try, some great DIY projects, some fantastic inspiration for my scrapping and great ideas for home decor.

  2. I love Pinterest, but I need to be careful! Like you said, it’s a time sucker! I am really careful to limit my time on pinterest otherwise the family will starve and have to go naked since dinner won’t be cooked and laundry won’t be washed! 🙂

    Visiting from the Weekly Wrap Up…which is a fabulous idea! 🙂

    1. I totally agree Alison, Pinterest and I have a love/hate relationship! 🙂

  3. I love your blog and all your great cupcakes. I am very interested in an invite to pinterest. I requested one on the website and it says I am wait listed.

    1. Feel free to add your cupcakes tomorrow for Cupcake Tuesday Linky Party.

  4. I became disenchanted with Pinterest when I realized that people were using it as a FREE ADVERTISING tool. I had to unfollow people that I really really like. It’s too bad.

  5. Yes, Pinterest is quite addicting, isn’t it? 😉 I have found some fabulous recipes on there tho – and I am almost sure I am already following your boards. I will definitely have to check out the Peeps board 😉

  6. Would appreciate an invitation to pinterest…


  7. I would love an invite to pinterest…you make it look so fun!

  8. Thanks so much for the kind words Liz! I too am addicted to Pinterest and enjoy seeing your pinnings :’)

  9. I just recently found your blog and love it! I added you to my reader so I wouldn’t miss a thing. I would love an invite to Pinterest.

  10. Donna Cowee says:

    Love Hoosier Homeaid would like to have an invite to Pinterest please have heard so much about it ..Thank You. Donna

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