
Grilled Peach and Prosciutto Pizza

Need a little change from the ordinary Pepperoni Pizza? How about Grilled Peach and Prosciutto Pizza? Sound good? Different?

I have been wanting to give Grilled Pizza a try for awhile now, so when I was recently asked by Walmart Moms to come up with a Grilled Pizza with fresh toppings, I jumped at the chance.

Even though it needed to have fresh ingredients, just an everyday Grilled Pizza wouldn’t do. Doug wanted to try something unusual, different. So I went on the hunt and found this Peach and Prosciutto Pizza over at Dinner and Dessert. I wanted to buy some ham to add to the pizza, but Doug wouldn’t have it. He had been wanting to try prosciutto for awhile and thought this was the perfect opportunity. He’s much more adventurous than I am!

I ‘ll have to give Doug credit for sticking to his guns on his choice of toppings, this is one pizza I was really skeptical about but the flavors of the ingredients blended well together. With the saltiness from the prosciutto and mozzarella and the sweetness from the grilled peaches this is a welcome change from your traditional pizza.

Grilled Peach and Prosciutto Pizza

Grilled Peach and Prosciutto Pizza

Cook Time: 12 minutes
Total Time: 12 minutes

An interesting, yet delicious combination of flavors... Grilled Peach and Prosciutto Pizza from HoosierHomemade.com


  • Mama Mary’s Pizza Crust
  • Ragu Pizza Sauce
  • Mozzarella Cheese {sliced and shredded}
  • 2 peaches
  • Prosciutto {we found this in the deli at Walmart}
  • %http://hoosierhomemade.com/wp-content/uploads/Grilled-Pizza.ingred.jpg


  1. Brush some oil on the peaches and on a medium-high heat flip after you notice grill marks and continue to grill for another 3-5 minutes. Be careful they cook fast after you flip them so watch them closely.
  2. Brush the pizza crust with oil and place on grill for about 5-7 minutes.
  3. Flip the crust and add the sliced mozzarella cheese and then the toppings.
  4. Add a little more shredded mozzarella cheese and grill until the toppings are heated through and the shredded cheese has melted.
  5. %http://hoosierhomemade.com/wp-content/uploads/Grilled-Pizza-Peach.jpg
  6. Sprinkle with a little chopped fresh basil and dig in!


Sprinkle with a little chopped fresh basil and dig in!

Because we weren’t really sure if the boys would eat this pizza, we decided to grill one of their favorites, Pepperoni.

Mama Mary’s has these little individual pizzas that are perfect for family members that want a different pizza. They also make pepperoni and other delicious products.

What is your favorite pizza? Have you ever tried Grilling Pizza?

Disclosure: This post is part of a campaign I am participating in with the Walmart Moms. Walmart has provided me with compensation  for this post. My participation is voluntary and opinions, as always are my own.

Linking to…Delicious Dishes

One Comment

  1. I’ve also been wanting to try grilled pizza, this is making me hungry!!

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