
Front Porch Decorating: 5 Minute Fix

Have you ever had an idea pop into your head and you just had to get it done? Let me set the scene for you…

  • Doug is outside working on the new raised garden bed
  • Nick is mowing the front yard {he is off a half day from school on Fridays}
  • I have 2 recipes going with Asparagus {one for Hoosier Homemade and one for Pocket Change Gourmet}
  • The kitchen is a disaster
  • Dinner has not been started
  • And…I decide to decorate the Front Porch

So I quickly head outside and let Doug know that I think I should gather up some materials to Decorate the Front Porch…and what do I get? The “are you totally out of your mind” look from him. BUT, then I go ahead to explain…it will only take 5 minutes! And what do I get? The “oh ya right, it’s gonna be more like an hour” kinda look!

But being the wonderful hubby that he is, Doug helped me gather up some materials…

To decorate the Front Porch in 5 Minutes or Less

Let me break it down for you…

  1. Start with a chair, throw on the quilt and add the small ladder
  2. A tall galvanized bucket was filled with tree limbs and fresh lilacs
  3. The Grapevine Wreath was added to the chair
  4. An antique watering can gets filled with ivy cut from the yard
  5. Small terra cotta pots, a ceramic bird and Aqua Mason Jars are added to the ladder
  6. A couple antique lanterns placed next to the chair

And there you have it…Front Porch Decorating in 5 Minutes or Less!!

And then what did I get from Doug…”this really did take only 5 minutes to decorate!”

Linking to…Weekend Wrap Up Party, Saturday Night Special, Saturday Sevens, Sundae ScoopMade by you Monday, Show Me HowShow & Tell Friday


  1. birdhouses says:

    What a fun porch! Thanks for the ideas. And Linda, I like your idea of adding a birdhouse to the mix!

  2. I live in a small older home and no porch. What I had my husband make was a birdhouse and I attached it to a small post. Then beside it I have a fax large pot I use for my water garden and my husband had a friend weld a copper fountain and I mounted it with copper wire around the neck of the pipe to the pot;my husband drilled two small holes in the back of the pot and I run the wire through and twisted it tight. So I have running water garden as a person enters our front door. I noticed we have birds in the birdhouse already! You have a very nice web page. thank you for all the fun ideas.

  3. I am so sorry….I doubted you, too! You made a believer out of me, though….truly a wonder! Love your front porch 5 minute make-over! IMPRESSED!!♥

  4. Oh boy do I have alot of work to do when I get home. This porch is wonderful. What an inspiring post! I would love it if you would share this post at our WIW linky party. I hope you can join us.


  5. LOVE your front porch ! It would take me WAY longer than 5 minutes though, I tweak too much . Plus my plan never looks the same finished as it does in my head 🙂

    1. Thanks so much Dawn! I usually tweak a lot too…but this was pretty easy.

  6. Great look … makes me want to copy-kat you, but have too much out there already. May make some changes though. Love what you did.
    Audrey Z @ Timeless Treasures

  7. Cute cute cute, Liz! Love the white wicker chair as a backdrop to all of those sweet treasures! 🙂

    xoxo laurie

  8. Oh my! I absolutely love it! Great inspiration. Now, I’m going to decorate my front porch! 🙂

  9. Liz, it is absolutely Lovely ! And thank you for the link to the download to the Veggie Recipes from The Crock Country – Enjoy your porch….

  10. Wow, I wish I could be that creative. My 5 minutes would definitely be an hour because I would change my mind about everything about 20 times, ha. I love the ladder next to the chair. I saw your link at TT&J.

    Have a good weekend,

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