Fall Family Traditions

All week long, we are celebrating the changing seasons with a Fall Festival. You will find yummy recipes, inspiring decorations and even tips and tricks to get your home ready for winter. Oh, and don’t forget to visit the blog hostess each day for a great giveaway.

Today, Amy at Simply Sugar & Gluten-Free is hosting Family Traditions, and you have a chance to win a set of 3 Wilton Baking Racks.

As my boys get older, we tend to have less time to celebrate Fall together. But, we still have plenty of family traditions that I hope the boys will pass on to their families when they get married and have children (grandchildren, yeah!)

We enjoy apple picking…  (I went through the old pictures to come up with these 🙂 )

The u-pick farm we visit has horse drawn wagons to take you to the patch.

Casey Apple picking

As it gets a little closer to Halloween, we visit the Pumpkin Patch and carve our pumpkins.

Pumpkin Patch 2

Pumpkin carving

I especially enjoy decorating the house for Fall.

Fall Dec Mantle

Fall Decorating.4

Fall Wreath

And let’s not forget the yummy Fall dessert!

Pumpkin Bread.6

Apple Pie

Head on over to visit Amy, enter the giveaway and check out all the other great Fall Family Traditions.  Don’t miss Things I Love Thursday,  because I love Fall, Friday Favorites and  Photo Story Friday.


  1. I LOVE apple picking. I have been too preggo to enjoy it yet, but I can’t wait to get out there before the end of fall. My absolute fave season!!
    .-= The Diaper Diaries´s last blog ..An Update of Sorts =-.

  2. Love the pictures! What great traditions! I’m kicking myself for pouring over these yummy recipes and desserts right before dinner! My stomach is growling!
    .-= Audra´s last blog ..Fall Traditions =-.

  3. Those are some fancy pumpkins! And I love the apple-pickin’ pictures!
    .-= Amy´s last blog ..Open the Windows =-.

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