Earn money for your School

The new school year is quickly approaching, and not only do parents have clothes and supplies to buy, your school has purchases to make as well. Now you can help!

Walmart has teamed with 3 great companies to help you give back to your school…Box Tops for Education, Scholastic and Kellogg’s, and Labels for Education.

Box Tops for Education is the largest of all of the School Support Programs. In it’s 17 year existence the program has given away $500 million towards schools and has established relationships with over 100,000 schools. Last year the program gave away $70 million. Each Box Top turned into a school can be redeem for a $0.10 donation. Walmart is running a campaign with them where they are giving away free Box Tops for everyone that likes the Walmart Facebook Wall. 4x Box Tops is the program that General Mills provides Walmart during the Back to School season. For every 4x Box Top product purchased at Walmart, a customer can get $0.40 redeemed at their school. Walmart is the only retailer to have 4x Box Tops on over 100 items within the store. Other retailers may have 4x Box Tops on 1 or 2 items.

We recently made a trip to Walmart to see what kind of products we could find that offered 4 Box Tops. There were lots to choose from, and all items that we eat and use. The boys were happy to see the Pizza Rolls, Fruit Snacks and Cinnamon Rolls. And while I don’t typically buy Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough, I did see a recipe recently that called for them, so this was a perfect opportunity to make and share that recipe with you all!

Kellogg’s has teamed up with Scholastic Books in order to create an exclusive program for Walmart. There are 2 ways to earn a $5 coupon for a Scholastic Book. Purchase 2 Kellogg’s products or 1 Tri-pack at Walmart, then redeem the codes on those products for a $5 coupon for a Scholastic Book. Visit the Kellogg’s Family Rewards page for more information and to enter your coupon codes!  Walmart is also running a campaign on their Facebook Wall that will allow customers to redeem a scholastic code for liking the Walmart Facebook Page. While Scholastic has been around for awhile, this is only the second year that Kellogg’s and Scholastic have teamed up to do this partnership.

The last program that will help you give back to your school, Labels for Education is actually the oldest of the School Support Programs. Labels for Education allows customers to use the labels off the products they purchased in order for the schools to redeem the labels for school equipment. The program was started by Campbell’s almost 30 years ago. It is not as large as Box Tops but does have high awareness. Campbells and Dannon teamed up in order to produce some products that have special bonus points for Walmart during the Back to School season. Learn more over at Labels for Education!

How to Earn money for your School

  1. Purchase specially marked packages at Walmart and receive 4 Box Tops on each purchase. Clip and deliver to your school and they earn $.40 cents for each product you purchase.
  2. Head on over to the Walmart Box Tops Facebook Wall and earn another free Box Top
  3. Purchase 2 Kellogg’s products or 1 Tri-pack at Walmart and earn a $5 Scholastic Book. Visit the Kellogg’s Family Rewards page for more information.
  4. Head on over to the Walmart Scholastic Facebook Wall to redeem your codes.
  5. Purchase specially marked Campbell’s products for the Labels for Education.  Learn more over at Labels for Education!

Disclosure: This post is part of a campaign I am participating in with the Walmart Moms. Walmart has provided me with compensation and product for this post. My participation is voluntary and opinions, as always are my own.


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