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Cupcake Tuesday ~ Earth Day Cupcakes

Welcome to Cupcake Tuesday!   If you are new here, grab a cup of tea or a glass of milk and enjoy a cupcake!

Today we are recognizing Earth Day. 2010 marks the 40th year that Earth Day has been recognized.  I started blogging shortly before Earth Day last year, there were lots of fun activities like Amy’s Earth Hour.

The Earth Day Cupcakes that I made to share with you are easy and fun. They would also make a great treat for a Bug Birthday Party.

On most of the cupcakes, I started with grass. I used my new Wilton tip #233. I think the look is fun, I still need to use it a few times to figure out a good method. I used 2 shades of green Buttercream Frosting to make the grass look better. I’m not sure you can tell by the picture.

There are endless possibilities of decorations you can use. I used some mini gummi worms, from my favorite candy store, Albanese Confectionery. For the ladybugs I started with a red M&M candy and put small dots of melted chocolate using my Wilton round tip #1.

For the other bugs, I used the patterns from the Hello Cupcake book. Using wax paper, I covered the pattern and piped on melted chocolate, then used M&M’s and chocolate coated sunflower seeds, once again from Albanese Confectionery. If you don’t have the patterns, you can either draw some or pipe legs and bodies onto wax paper.

I’m sorry I don’t have a step-by-step for you today, I will try to add them in the next couple days. I was also trying to cook my Make-Ahead Meals for the week, at the same time. I need to learn not to try to do so much in one day.

For the butterflies, I piped melted chocolate onto wax paper, then quickly added the chocolate coated sunflower seeds. For the wings I cut a cookie in quarters, but you could use a pretzel too.

Do you celebrate Earth Day? Share with us what you do?



  1. Those are too cute! 😀
    .-= Sherry´s last blog ..Hot Cheesy Bacon Dip =-.

  2. Tammy @ Not Just Paper and Glue says:

    Your cupcakes are always so adorable and like little works of art! so cute!
    .-= Tammy @ Not Just Paper and Glue´s last blog ..This Blog Has GoneTo The Dogs! =-.

  3. pamela ponder says:

    how cute I posted dirt cupcakes in honor of Earth day,mine are not as colorful but good 🙂
    .-= pamela ponder´s last blog ..Friday Follow ~ Ultimate blog party" =-.

  4. Your lady bugs are adorable sitting on all that green frosting… I was almost fooled! Love these! I want to eat them all. Thanks for hosting, Liz. :~D
    .-= e-Mom´s last blog ..Bible Cuisine: Abigail’s Feast—Fit for a King =-.

  5. I never even thought about making earth day cupcakes! They all look great! Did you see the first link with the blue and green? How cool!
    .-= Lauren´s last blog ..Mint-Filled Brownie Cupcakes =-.

  6. These are adorable. I just love the butterflies. You are always so creative.

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