Clorox Icktionary: Car-posting and Giveaway

I have teenagers – that drive! I also have teenagers that don’t clean out their cars! So while it may sound painful to have teens driving, believe me – it is, it’s also painful to ride in their vehicles.

Another part of being a teen are the late night runs through the drive thru to grab a snack or even a late night dinner. Both of our oldest boys are guilty of this. And inevitably, whether it’s late night or during the day, food gets dropped and quickly forgot about.

Clorox-car posting

Clorox Ick-tionary likes to call the moldy piece of food left in a car that literally starts to compost…Car-posting, pronounced kahr poh-sting.

Now whether you have teens like I do, or perhaps it has happened to yourself – yes I admit, Car-posting just might have happened to me personally as well. Check under your car seats? Do you have something growing?

Clorox Ick-tionary

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This post is brought to you by The Clorox Company. I have partnered with them to spread the word about Clorox’s Ick-tionary program. To share Ick-tionary terms and real life messes, visit All opinions and stories are my own.

This post is brought to you by The Clorox Company. I have partnered with them to spread the word about Clorox's Ick-tionary program. To share Ick-tionary terms and real life messes, visit All opinions and stories are my own.