
Chocolate Chip Pie A la Mode Cupcakes: Cupcake Tuesday

Cupcake Tuesday at HoosierHomemade.com

Welcome to Cupcake Tuesday! I’m so glad to have you! If you are new, you can find all my cupcake designs and recipes on the Cupcake Heaven page.

I’m so excited to tell you about a new series I’m starting today for Cupcake Tuesday and Cupcake Chronicles Newsletter!!  Are you a Pie lover? I love many different pies…cherry, apple, blueberry…but I don’t always love baking them.

Last weekend Doug and I went to eat at Red Lobster, we haven’t been there in years and happened to have a gift card from Blissdom, so we figured it would be a nice treat for an early Valentine’s Day Dinner. As we do most of the time, we talk “business”…cupcake  business, what can I make, what would be new, what should I do for Cupcake Chronicles…all the good stuff! I looked up and behind Doug was a booklet with dessert on it. And there it was, a Chocolate Chip Pie with Vanilla Ice Cream and Hot Fudge!! Oh MY!!

{photo credit}

The wheels started turning in both of our brains, and Doug blurted out…a PIE series!!! See, my inspiration comes from the craziest places!

So why not have the pie you love in a cupcake? I have a list of some of our favorites that I will be creating within the next month. But I’d love to hear from you…

What is your favorite kind of pie?

Here are a few from my followers on Twitter

Mindlee likes…red raspberry cream from the Essenhaus

Vanderbiltwife likes…really tart key lime with tons of whipped cream!

Alicia’sTweeting likes…Blueberry pie!

Now, on with the Chocolate Chip Pie A la Mode Cupcake!!

I started with a Chocolate Chip Cupcake, filled and frosted it with Homemade Hot Fudge, topped with Vanilla Ice Cream and another drizzle of Hot Fudge!! Unbelievably good!

Chocolate Chip Pie A la Mode Cupcakes

Chocolate Chip Pie A la Mode Cupcakes

Inspired by Red Lobster's Chocolate Chip Lava Cookie, snack on these Chocolate Chip Pie a la Mode Cupcakes from HoosierHomemade.com.


Chocolate Chip Cupcakes

  • Cake Mix {Butter or Yellow is best}
  • 1 small box of vanilla pudding
  • 1 cup Buttermilk {2 tablespoons vinegar in a measuring cup, fill with milk and let set for a couple minutes}
  • 4 eggs
  • 1/3 cup oil
  • 1/2 cup chocolate chips {I use milk chocolate}

Hot Fudge Sauce {I used the [same recipe | http://hoosierhomemade.com/homemade-for-the-holidays-hot-fudge-sauce/] I made at Christmas time to share in baskets}

  • 1 can (14 oz) Sweetened Condensed Milk
  • 1/4 cup butter
  • 3 oz. Chocolate {I use milk chocolate, but semi-sweet is fine too}


Chocolate Chip Cupcakes

  1. In a large bowl, place cake mix, pudding, eggs, buttermilk and oil.
  2. Before mixing, measure chocolate chips into a bowl, and add a couple large pinches of cake mix, stir to coat the chips. This prevents the chips from sinking to the bottom of the cupcake.
  3. Beat cake mix as you normally would.
  4. Fold in chocolate chips.
  5. Fill cupcake liners with about 1/3 cup batter.
  6. Bake at 350 degrees for 10-15 minutes or until cake springs back when touched.
  7. Cool completely.
  8. %http://hoosierhomemade.com/wp-content/uploads/Chocolate-Chip-Cupcakes-collage.jpg
  9. After the cupcakes are cooled, use an apple corer to remove center of cupcake.
  10. Fill with slightly cooled Hot Fudge {recipe below} - sometimes I replace the plug into the cupcake, but since there will just be more Hot Fudge on top, it’s not really necessary, but you can if you want to. Or just snack on them!

Hot Fudge Sauce

  1. Chop chocolate into small chunks.
  2. Add all ingredients to a heavy saucepan and cook over low heat until sauce is smooth and creamy.


  1. Let Hot Fudge set up a bit, add a scoop of Vanilla Ice Cream and drizzle more Hot Fudge.
  2. %http://hoosierhomemade.com/wp-content/uploads/Chocolate-Chip-Cupcakes.2.jpg
  3. Or unwrap the cupcake, place in bowl and add the Ice Cream on the side.
  4. %http://hoosierhomemade.com/wp-content/uploads/Chocolate-Chip-Cupcakes.3.jpg

Anyway you serve them…I’m sure they will be a hit!

Now it’s your turn…show off your cupcake creations! I’d appreciate a link back and be sure to check out the other cupcakes!



  1. Of course I pick a day I am really going to stay on my diet to look at these. Yum! Yum!

  2. Holy moly…those look ahhhh-maaazzzz-ing!!! I love chocolate chip anything and then to add hot fudge and ice cream?! WOW!

  3. Thanks for hosting the cupcake party Liz! I linked up some adorable monster cupcakes I made for my daughters birthday party!

    Your Chocolate Chip la’mode cupcakes look to die for! Will definitely be making these!

    Heather@At The Picket Fence

  4. These look amaaazing and I’m sure tastes great too! Just one question though, will the hot fudge harden when I leave it for one day in room temperature? Or will it still be all nice and gooey?

    1. Hi Kat, You should keep the cupcakes in the fridge until the day you are serving them. Then take them out 4-5 hours before serving to allow them to come to room temp, the hot fudge will harden a bit, but you can put them in the microwave for a few seconds to soften.
      Happy Baking!

  5. These look wonderful. I cant wait to try them for my sons birthday.

  6. Holy moly, I want one of those! Well, maybe more than one . . .

  7. I cannot wait to make these for my son when he comes home from college! Thanks…even though I was expecting to see chocolate chip pie recipe (on cupcake Tuesday DUH 🙂 Have a great day~

  8. Are you kidding me?!?! These cupcakes look amazing!

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