
Back to School Games

Whether you are hosting a Back to School Party, preparing the kids to tackle their homework, or perhaps you are a teacher looking for some ways to add fun into your classroom, these Back to School Games are sure to please! The games, similar to Bingo, are not only educational but fun, the kids won’t even realize they are learning. 

Back to School Games | Details on HoosierHomemade.com

Why shouldn’t learning be fun? The kids will have a great time with these Bingo Games. The Back to School Games only take a few simple supplies, and are easy enough to make that the kids can help too!

First, let’s gather our supplies…

Back to School Games | Details on HoosierHomemade.com

Back to School Games Supplies

  • White Cardstock Paper or heavy paper
  • Ruler
  • Pencil
  • Scissors
  • Duck Tape
  • Sharpie Markers – black and various colors
  • Crayons
  • Dice
  • Flash Cards or pictures printed from the computer
  • Game Pieces – we used cereal, just about anything will work depending on the age of the children

Back to School Games | Details on HoosierHomemade.com

Step 1

  • Cut the game boards
  • 9 squares – 3 across – cut paper 4 1/2 inches square
  • 16 squares – 4 across – cut paper 5 1/2 inches square
  • 25 squares – 5 across – cut paper 6 1/2 inches square
  • Then begin by marking the lines. The first mark should be 1 3/4 inch in from the edge

Back to School Games | Details on HoosierHomemade.com

Step 2

  • Mark the lines at 1 inch

Back to School Games | Details on HoosierHomemade.com

Step 3

  • After all the marks are made, add the lines with a Sharpie.

Back to School Games | Details on HoosierHomemade.com

Step 4

  • Add the Duck Tape around the edge. We used the 3/4 inch, but you can certainly use the full size Duck Tape and either tear it into strips or wrap it around the edge of the paper.

Now it’s time to create the different games. The options are endless. We came up with 4 different games to choose from.

Back to School Games | Details on HoosierHomemade.com

Color Bingo

  • Add the colors to the board with a Sharpie in the respective color. You can either write the word out or color in the square with the Sharpie, depending on the age of the child.
  • For the game, hold up either a crayon, Sharpie, or even a piece of paper in the different colors and have the child mark the appropriate square with a game piece.

Back to School Games | Details on HoosierHomemade.com

Word Bingo

  • Using flash cards or pictures printed from the computer, choose various pictures or shapes.
  • Add the words to the game board.
  • Hold up the picture and have the child mark the square with the game piece.

Back to School Games | Details on HoosierHomemade.com

Letter Bingo

  • This game has the same concept as Word Bingo, except with letters.
  • You can either hold up a picture and the child can find the letter it begins with or show them the letter and have them find it, then mark the square with a game piece

Back to School Games | Details on HoosierHomemade.com

Math Bingo

  • This game uses 2 dice, and can be for addition and/or subtraction.
  • Roll the dice and have the child add or subtract them and then mark the square with the game piece.

Back to School Games | Details on HoosierHomemade.com

Grab the kids and have them help you figure out other games, the options are endless! Have fun!!

Back to School Week on HoosierHomemade.com

Be sure to follow along as we share lots of fun ideas for Back to School!

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