
Fall Outdoor Decorating: DIY Painted Shutter

Well, I’m at it again…decorating for Fall! The weather has been beautiful around here, a little chilly in the morning, but it warms up pretty quickly. After the Front Porch Decorating was finished, we started working of the rest of the Fall Outdoor Decorating and the DIY Painted Shutter.

Last Summer I picked up a couple old shutters at a Garage Sale for only $1 each, we painted the first one and used it in our Summer Front Porch Decorating. I loved how that one turned out, so I thought it would be a perfect addition to the Fall Decorating. Let me show you how Doug painted it…

DIY Painted Shutter Supplies

  • Shutter {this one is plastic, wood is fine too, just change the kind of paint you use}
  • Krylon spray paint in colors of your choice {we used Almond and Brown Leather}
  • Pumpkin – sample paint, we used Cinnamon Stick Glidden found at Walmart
  • Leaves – green craft paint
  • Frog Tape – our favorite is the delicate {yellow} it peels off perfectly
  • Sharpie – brown to highlight the shape of the pumpkin and the vines
  • Pattern of a pumpkin printed from the computer {or whatever you want to paint on your shutter}

Step 1:

  • Paint the inside of the shutter. No taping necessary on this step. The spots you see are the sun light coming through the trees. You will want to cover the shutter completely with paint.

Step 2:

  • Tape off the area that you don’t want painted. Doug covered the area with heavy craft paper also {see next photo}

Step 3:

  • After the area is covered. Paint the outer area

Step 4:

  • After it dries for about an hour, peel off the tape and paper

Step 5:

  • Now it’s time to trace the pumpkin. Doug just printed a pumpkin off the computer and traced around it with a pencil.

Step 6:

  • Using the brush that comes with the sample bottle, paint on the pumpkin

Paint on the leaves and add the highlights with a brown Sharpie. After it dries, it’s time to decorate…the fun part!

At the base of the shutter, I placed an old galvanized bucket and filled it with greenery, grasses, a pumpkin and a mum. I wanted to bring together the decorations on the Front Porch and the Fall Garland. Next to the shutter, I brought in the small antique wooden ladder, and added a couple more pumpkins.

 Have you started your Fall Decorating? Share with us what you are doing!

Disclosure: Frog Tape is a sponsor. They sent us some tape to use. We use the product because we love it, the opinions are all my own.

Linking to…Weekend Wrap Up Party, Sundae Scoop Party, Made By You Monday, Autumn PartyShow & Tell Friday



  1. Darling shutter and I love the display in the copper pot!

  2. That looks great, a wonderful outdoor vignette.

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