
4 Simple Tips To Get Your Home Ready For Winter

After last years long, cold and expensive winter we are looking for any way to reduce our heating bill for the upcoming Winter months and thought we would share with you 4 Simple Tips To Get Your Home Ready For Winter.

4 Simple Tips to get your home ready for Winter -- keep warm this Winter with these quick home improvements | Details on HoosierHomemade.com

Keeping the Winter at bay and our home nice and comfortable has always been a chore. You see our home was built in 1926, so you can imagine that there are quite a few areas where cold air can get in, the doors are old, the windows are old. Like I said our home is old.

4 Simple Tips to get your home ready for Winter -- keep warm this Winter with these quick home improvements | Details on HoosierHomemade.com

One of the first areas to tackle are the windows. We’ve been in our home for 6 years now and one of the improvements we have not gotten around to getting done is installing new windows. I would guess that they are the original windows, so they are single pane windows with no insulating value at all and the storm windows just aren’t keeping out the drafts. So to keep the wind from blowing through the windows we used the Duck Brand Roll-On Window Kit. The insulating film goes on easy and the only tools you need are a pair of scissors and a hair dryer.

4 Simple Tips to get your home ready for Winter -- keep warm this Winter with these quick home improvements | Details on HoosierHomemade.com

Next we moved to the old doors, they seal fairly well along the top and sides but the one area that I hate to feel cold air coming into the house is the bottom of the door. So I used the Duck Brand Draft Seal I bought at Walmart to stop drafts from getting in. Installation is quick and easy, cut the foam pieces to size and slide the draft seal under the door. They can even be used on windows in the house.

4 Simple Tips to get your home ready for Winter -- keep warm this Winter with these quick home improvements | Details on HoosierHomemade.com

Now let’s talk about the last place that you would think drafts are getting into the home. Electrical outlets, yes, especially in older homes the electrical outlets on the exterior walls are prime areas for air to come in so using the Duck Brand Socket Sealers is the simplest way to insulate them.

4 Simple Tips to get your home ready for Winter -- keep warm this Winter with these quick home improvements | Details on HoosierHomemade.com

Let’s take a walk outside. Too many times I hear of people coming home to find their pipes frozen or worse, the basement flooded because the water pipes froze and burst! A lot of times this could have been prevented by covering the outside water faucets with a Duck Brand Faucet Cover. It literally takes less than 30 seconds to put on and can save you a ton of headaches and money if your pipes ever freeze.

4 Simple Tips to get your home ready for Winter -- keep warm this Winter with these quick home improvements | Details on HoosierHomemade.com

Not convinced yet that it pays to get your house ready for winter? Here’s an infographic for you!

Home Energy Savings

Do you have any advice to cut down on heating costs this winter? We’d love you to share!

Walmart Moms

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