
Winter Blues: Indoor Picnic

It’s cold outside…the snowing is piling up…you miss seeing the grass and smelling the fresh air! Sound familiar? The Winter Blues have crept into our house too!

We love picnics! They can be as easy as picking up something from the deli to hosting a potluck at the park and everything in between. But what about during the Winter when it’s too cold to enjoy a picnic outside? The next best thing…an Indoor Picnic!

Complete with a tree growing in the corner of the house and fun activities to enjoy while you are cooped up indoors!

Whether you are a kid or a kid at heart…like me…this is just simply FUN!

We kept the food very simply, starting with a sub-sandwich from the deli at Walmart.

It wouldn’t be a picnic without watermelon! The watermelon is simply cut into chunks with popsicle sticks for easy handling.

The snack mix has popcorn, pretzels and M&M’s served in a plastic bowl.

And quite possibly the most fun drink ever…Cotton Candy Lemonade!

Mix up a batch of your favorite lemonade, grab a bag of cotton candy, top each glass with a handful of cotton candy and use the straw to add it to the lemonade!  Fun…delicious!

Now that we have the food taken care of, let’s talk about how we set it all up!

First is the tree…Doug created the tree from a roll of craft paper, available in the office supply area at Walmart, and crepe paper from the party section. He cut the trunk out first, attaching it to the wall with mounting tape. Then cut out the branches. He hung the crepe paper in long strips to give the effect of sitting under a tree.

We covered the floor with a plastic tablecloth that looks like grass, then added the ant tablecloth. Red large plates, small watermelon plates, red napkins and white plastic silverware, all from the party section.

And to make the Indoor Picnic even more fun, we added sunglasses, scented bubbles, pinwheels, candy necklaces and jacks-and-ball set.

The Pinwheels were made with scrapbook paper, you can learn how to make them yourself! And the boxes of Cracker Jack add a little retro feel to the picnic!

Quick Reference of items we found at Walmart

To eat…

  • Sub-sandwich from the Deli
  • Watermelon
  • Snack mix – popcorn, pretzels and M&M’s
  • Cotton Candy Lemonade – lemonade mix in the juice aisle and cotton candy in the candy aisle
  • Cracker Jacks – near the popcorn

To serve on…

  • Large red plates, napkins and plastic silverware from the party section
  • Watermelon plates left from last Summer
  • Mugs  – found in housewares

For fun…

  • Bubbles – near the party section, they were only $.97 cents
  • Candy necklaces, sunglasses and jacks-and-ball set – in the part section, only $1.97 for the whole bag
  • Pinwheels – handmade, learn how to make them here

Linking to…Weekend Wrap Up PartySundae Scoop


  1. Pingback: No School – No Problem – Early Childhood Alliance
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  3. This is a fabulous idea! I bet my kids would love this. Thank you so much for sharing. We are ready for spring, but I don’t think spring is ready for us. So, this would be lots of fun. (Stopping by from TT&J Wrap Party.)

  4. I LOVE this!! We love a picnic too but the weather never seems to be kind to us in our part of the world 🙁 I’ve pinned this to inspire me in the future as I think this would be so much fun to do when the weather outside isn’t so perfect!

  5. Marcia Hron says:

    THIS IS A FABULOUS IDEA!!!! My hubby and I will be creating this magical “picnic site” for our grandgirls! Thank you so much for the creative idea!!!!!

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